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30+ Engaging Math Activities for Kindergarteners

Add up the fun with simple kindergarten math activities focused on counting, patterns, comparing numbers, and more!

kids lying on floor doing number activities

Fun Hands-On Kindergarten Math Activities 

A jar of fuzzy pom-poms.
A stack of colorful duplo blocks.

A side view of an apartment complex.

A child stacking yellow cups upside down on a table.

Math Playing Cards:

ABCmouse experts recommend the “Four C’s” – Count, Compare, Categorize, and Converse – to introduce math concepts.

Bring this concept to life in this easy math game using a deck of cards. Deal five number cards of the same suit to each player, face down. On the count of three, everyone flips over their top card. Players compare cards by asking questions like, “How are the cards different?” Encourage kids to count the symbols (hearts, diamonds, etc.). The player with the most symbols wins that round and collects the cards. At the end, each player counts their collected cards, and the player with the most wins!

Two rows of heart playing cards face up on a blue background counting from ace to 10.

When kids learn how to “make 10,” they’re starting down the road to mastering addition. For this simple “making 10” activity from Life Over C’s, all you need is a pack of sticky notes.

A young child putting yellow sticky notes on the wall that have the numbers 1 to 10 written on them.
A bundle of colorful straws tied together with another straw.

Put a small number of erasers into one small section and ask your child to count them. Then, put more erasers into the other small section, and count them up too. Finally, put the total number of erasers all together into the big section, and count them up. You’ve just made a number bond! Head over to Just Teachy to see more ideas for teaching number bonds.

A green plate with divided sections on a yellow background.

A row of wood dominos numbered 0 to 12  with colorful dots on a blue back ground.
Colorful playdough balls.
A pile of cheerios cereal on a white background.

Try using building bricks in a similar way as the previous activity. You’ll need pieces with 10 studs (the raised circles on the top of the brick), either all in a row (10×1) or rectangular (5 x 2). Use small pieces with one stud for the ones. Or, hit the hardware store for long bolts and matching nuts, like The Measured Mom did.

Addition Bingo is a fun and easy way for kids to practice adding. Start by creating free addition bingo cards filled with simple problems like “3 + 2” or “4 + 1.” As numbers are called, players solve the problems on their cards and mark the matching answers. The first to complete a row or column shouts “Bingo!” and wins.

Colorful word bingo on a black backdrop.

Make snack time a learning experience by looking for shapes in your treats. Chiêu Anh Urban Books has a simple printable template you can use, or simply ask children to describe the shapes of the foods in front of them. Use small cookie cutters for more detailed shapes like stars and hearts.

A cute snack made from shapes of food like round pancakes and heart shaped strawberries to for the images of two owls side by side.

Bonus: Explore these additional math activities for kids!

Kids playing with balloons.
Purple pipe cleaner flowers with yellow centers and brown stems.

Bonus Activity Idea: Non-standard measurement uses methods other than rulers or measuring tapes to compare items. Kids can cut pieces of string the same length as several items from around the house, then lay the strings side by side to compare which is longer, shorter, or equal.

Another kindergarten favorite is a DIY balance scale made by hanging two paper cups on either side of a clothes hanger. Suspend the hanger on a knob, then let kids put items into each cup to find out which weighs more.

Online Preschool Math Games 

Screen time can be learning time when you choose games designed by experts to expand your child’s learning. Online kindergarten math activities aim to keep children interested and engaged, which can build their enthusiasm for learning. Pair them with the activities described above to bring the learning to life. Find even more Kindergarten Math learning games here.

Please note: Many of these games require an ABCmouse subscription to play.

Plenty of peanuts math game screenshot from ABCmouse.com.

Plenty of Peanuts

In this kindergarten math game, children help feed an elephant by grouping peanuts into tens and ones, reinforcing place value understanding. This game combines fun with skill-building, supporting children as they explore number composition.

Squawk Block math game screenshot from ABCmouse.com.

Squawk Block

Help your kindergartener practice addition and subtraction by finding pairs of numbers that match a target sum or difference. As children select the correct pairs, they stamp blocks, aiming to complete rows that reveal hidden pictures, which reinforces mental math, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.

What time is it math game screenshot from ABCmouse.com.

What Time Is It

This game helps kindergarteners learn to tell time by matching analog and digital clocks with the time displayed in words. As they progress, children identify times in various increments—hours, half-hours, and quarter-hours—developing skills in time recognition, critical thinking, and pattern recognition. Keep working on time-telling skills with these free printable Telling Time Worksheets.

More or Less Preschool math game from ABCmouse.com.

More or Less

In this activity, children practice comparing quantities by identifying which group of objects or numbers has more or fewer items. This strengthens their understanding of numerical comparison.

Tally chart factory math game screenshot from ABCmouse.com.

Tally Chart Factory

This game helps kindergarteners develop data analysis and interpretation skills by selecting tally charts that represent the number of blocks shown. Kids observe, count, and match tally charts to reinforce their understanding of tally marks and data representation.

Beach blanket math game screenshot from ABCmouse.com.

Beach Blanket Numbers

In this game, children practice place value by selecting the correct beach blanket that matches a given number. As kids progress, they identify place values from ones to hundreds (and beyond), earning check marks and splashes for correct answers.

Kindergarten Math Worksheets 

In this section, you’ll find a range of worksheets created to support kindergarten math development and establish a strong foundation for future math success. You can see our entire collection of Kindergarten Math Worksheets here.

Pattern Worksheets for Kindergarteners

Free printable pattern worksheets help kindergarten children practice identifying and creating patterns, boosting their recognition skills and developing early math concepts. These activities also enhance fine motor skills as kids engage in fun, hands-on exercises with shapes, colors, and sequences.

Free printable pattern worksheets for Kindergarten from ABCmouse.com.

Color By Number Worksheets

Free printable color by number worksheets for Kindergarten from ABCmouse.com.

Number Tracing Worksheets

Print these worksheets featuring numbers from 1 to 100, each with a large number and space for children to trace and practice writing it. These worksheets help reinforce number recognition and fine motor skills. Trace each number with your child, saying it aloud together to build familiarity and confidence with numbers.

Free printable number tracing worksheets for kindergarten from ABCmouse.com.

Math Videos for Kindergarteners

Coins Counting and More!

Count to 100 by 10’s

100’s Chart Construction

More ABCmouse Math Activities and Lessons for Preschoolers & Kindergarteners

Looking for more ways to help your child develop early math skills? The ABCmouse Math Program is designed by experts to guide preschoolers and Kindergarteners through a step-by-step series of lessons, helping them build a strong foundation in counting, number recognition, and basic math concepts. Discover how the ABCmouse Math Program supports your child’s learning journey and sign up today!

ABCmouse leading education app full of books and games.

More Math Activities

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