Free Printable Rhyming Word Lists for Kids (Free Printable List)
Rhyming words make learning to read even more fun for kids. These lists are organized by sound pattern, making it a cinch to create silly new rhyming poems!
Rhyming words are an important part of childhood, adding fun and rhythm to reading and language. More than just entertainment, rhymes can help build early literacy skills and encourage a love for reading and poetry in young learners. Rhyming helps children understand phonetic patterns, making it easier for them to predict and decode new words as they read.
The ABCmouse rhyming words list includes multiple rhyming patterns that go beyond basic CVC words. Our free printable list of rhyming words introduces varied sounds and word structures that are designed to enrich vocabulary, enhance phonetic skills, and inspire great rhyming stories and poems by children!
Our list is organized by sound patterns, making it easy for parents and teachers to find and focus on particular rhyming sounds. This organization also allows children to make connections between similar sounding words in a structured way.
List of Rhyming Words (and Poems) for Kids
Our list of rhyming words are organized by sounds and even include fun rhyming poems using the words. Read the poems with your child and see if they can spot all the rhyming words!
Rhyming Words List Ending in -ake:
bake | brake | cake | fake |
flake | lake | make | mistake |
overtake | quake | rake | remake |
sake | snake | stake | take |
wake |
Example Poem: Cake by the Lake
By a little lake, sat a happy snake,
Eating a slice of frosted cake.
He heard a splash, the water did shake—
Out jumped a frog with a wooden rake!
“Why are you here?” the snake did quake.
“This is my spot, for goodness’ sake!”
The frog just laughed, “I only came for the birthday bake!”
The snake did smile, “Well, for your sake,
Here’s some cake–it’s only a tiny flake.”
Then they laughed together by the lake.
Rhyming Words Ending in -ight:
alight | backlight | bright | fight |
flight | fright | height | highlight |
insight | light | might | night |
oversight | right | sight | starlight |
tight | twilight |
Rhyming Words Ending in -ite:
appetite | bite | cite | excite |
finite | ignite | kite | mite |
parasite | quite | satellite | site |
smite | spite | stalagmite | trite |
unite | white | website | write |
Example Poem: The Moonlight Knight
There once was a knight who loved the night,
He’d roam the woods in the silver light.
With a glowing sword so shiny and bright,
He’d dance with shadows till morning’s sight.
The stars would cheer with all their might,
And the moon would giggle, a happy sprite.
“Dear knight,” they’d say, “Keep spreading joy till the world feels right!”
So every night, when the stars turn white,
Look for the knight in the moon’s soft light!
Rhyming Words Ending in –ain:
ascertain | brain | campaign | chain |
complain | constrain | contain | disdain |
domain | drain | entertain | explain |
gain | main | maintain | obtain |
pain | plain | rain | refrain |
regain | remain | restrain | retain |
sustain | terrain | train | vain |
Rhyming Words Ending in -ane:
bane | cane | crane | humane |
insane | lane | membrane | mundane |
pane | plane | sane | vane |
Example Poem: The Silly Train in the Rain
There once was a train that loved the rain,
It zoomed through puddles on the terrain.
With a toot and a hoot, it made a refrain,
“Splash and splatter! Let’s ride down the lane!”
The ducks would cheer, the frogs would explain,
“This train’s so silly and never mundane!”
But the train just laughed, “I’ll never complain,
This rain is my main way to entertain!”
So if you hear tracks on their nightly refrain,
It’s the silly train, splashing in the rain!
Rhyming Words Ending in -old:
behold | billfold | blindfold | bold |
cold | enfold | foretold | gold |
hold | manifold | mold | old |
scold | sold | told | unfold |
uphold | withhold |
Example Poem: The Bear Who Hated Cold
There once was a bear who hated cold,
He wore three scarves, all striped with gold.
He’d shiver and quiver, and truth be told,
He never left home when the wind did enfold.
One day a fox, both clever and bold,
Said, “Come build a snowman—be brave, don’t fold!”
The bear stepped outside, his nerves he tried to uphold,
And found the snow fun, a sight to behold!
Now he plays all winter, a story retold,
The bear who learned to love the cold!
Rhyming Words Ending in -ear:
appear | clear | dear | ear |
fear | gear | hear | near |
rear | sear | shear | smear |
spear | tear | year |
Example Poem: The Springtime Bunny
A tiny rabbit did appear,
Hopping fast both far and near.
With fluffy fur so soft and dear,
It twitched its nose to better hear.
It dashed ahead without a fear,
Through the grass with all its gear.
A butterfly flew past its ear,
Rhyming words ending in -eam:
beam | cream | dream | gleam |
seam | steam | stream | team |
Example Poem: The Ice Cream Dream
I had a dream of a mountain of cream,
With rivers of chocolate that flowed in a stream.
The sprinkles fell like a sugary gleam.
I slid down scoops on a waffle cone beam,
Laughing and licking—what a fun dream!
But when I woke, I gave a big scream,
“Mom, can we please get some ice cream?”
Rhyming words ending in -ouse:
house | mouse | spouse | louse |
blouse | grouse | douse |
Example Poem: The Little Mouse
A little mouse lived in a house,
Oh so small–about the size of a louse.
One windy day, it lost its blouse,
Blown far away past the farmer’s spouse.
But soon it was found, near a quiet grouse,
Its blouse was safe, by a bigger house!
Tip: Go beyond poems with your rhyming practice and try our list of fun rhyming activities for kids.
More Rhyming Words for Kids
These word groups are categorized by the sounds the letters stand for, not necessarily the identical spelling. This approach makes it easier for children to use these words to create their very own rhyming poems.
Rhyming Words Ending in the Sound -unny:
bunny | funny | honey | money |
runny | sunny |
Rhyming Words Ending in the Sound -umpy:
bumpy | clumpy | dumpy | frumpy |
jumpy | lumpy |
Rhyming Words Ending in the Sound -ock:
block | clock | dock | flock |
knock | lock | mock | rock |
shock | sock | stock |
Rhyming Words Ending in the Sound -ee:
bee | fee | key | knee |
pea | sea | she | tee |
three | we |
Rhyming Words Ending in the Sound -ild (long /ī/ sound):
beguiled | child | compiled | filed |
mild | piled | riled | smiled |
styled | tiled | wild |
Rhyming Words Ending in the Sound -ash:
bash | brash | cash | crash |
dash | flash | gash | gnash |
hash | lash | mash | rash |
sash | splash | stash | thrash |
trash |
Tip: For more free printable rhyming word lists you can visit these resource pages as well!
Complete Access to our Rhyming Resources
ABCmouse’s Free Rhyming Resource Hub offers fun activities, games, books, and printables to help kids build phonemic awareness and a love for language.
With rhyming riddles, poems, and interactive games, children can explore rhyming in playful ways. The hub also includes teaching tips and creative writing activities for toddlers through early elementary students.
Complete Access to our Rhyming Resources
ABCmouse’s Free Rhyming Resource Hub offers fun activities, games, books, and printables to help kids build phonemic awareness and a love for language.
With rhyming riddles, poems, and interactive games, children can explore rhyming in playful ways. The hub also includes teaching tips and creative writing activities for toddlers through early elementary students.