ABCmouse VS Other Early Education Apps
Compare ABCmouse with other leading early education apps to discover which educational app best supports your child’s learning journey.
These days, parents and educators have dozens of early learning apps to pick from to help enhance children’s learning. With so many products on the market, picking one that best supports the child as well as the adult can feel daunting.
ABCmouse is committed to transparency and the belief that our learning app stands apart from others. To put these ideals to the test, let’s take a look at side-by-side comparisons of ABCmouse and other popular early learning apps.
ABCmouse VS Hooked on Phonics
ABCmouse and Hooked on Phonics are both focused on preschoolers through second graders, and both offer reading, math, and spelling. However, ABCmouse also covers language arts, science, social studies, and more. While Hooked on Phonics provides children with a monthly workbook, 2-3 readers, access to their Learn to Read app, and 42 lessons, ABCmouse offers over 10,000 learning activities, more than 850 lessons for children, and access to a large digital library of books.
Both ABCmouse and Hooked on Phonics offer progress tracking, which allows parents to see how much time children are spending on certain subjects and the number of activities they’re completing. ABCmouse also offers access to an Assessment Center as a paid add-on to regular subscriptions. The Assessment Center allows parents to test children on their knowledge to see where they’re succeeding or struggling and receive recommended lessons based on assessments.
ABCmouse and Hooked on Phonics differ in pricing as well, with ABCmouse costing $14.99 per month until canceled versus Hooked on Phonics’ monthly price of $16.98. Additionally, ABCmouse’s research studies have found positive learning outcomes for children using the program. See our efficacy studies linked in the table below for more details. While Hooked on Phonics is based on the research of phonics, we did not find any efficacy studies of the app.
ABCmouse and Hooked on Phonics also have different numbers of downloads and ratings, with ABCmouse being downloaded over 10 million times and Hooked on Phonics being downloaded approximately 500,000 times. ABCmouse has a 4.5-star average out of 831.4K ratings while Hooked on Phonics has a 4.5-star average out of 5.7 K ratings.
See below for a side-by-side comparison on ABCmouse and Hooked on Phonics. Be sure to check out the efficacy studies highlighting the positive impact ABCmouse has on children’s learning.
Side-by-Side Overview
Here is a side-by-side comparison of ABCmouse and Hooked on Phonics.
Hooked on Phonics (Learn to Read)
Age Range
2-8 years old
Pre-K – 2nd Grade
Number of Profiles
3 child and 1 parent profiles
Up to 3
Math, Reading, Language Arts, Sciences, Social Studies & More
Reading, Math & Spelling
10,000+ activities, 10 levels including 850 lessons, digital library
1 monthly workbook, 2-3 readers, Learn to Read app, 42 lessons
$45 a year until canceled or $14.99 a month until canceled
$16.98 a month
30-day free trial
First month for $1
Assessment Tools
Extensive Assessment Center
(Paid add on to subscription)
Performance & trend reporting
Custom lessons
Unlimited assessments
Not specified
Progress Tracking
Offers Progress Tracking
Details not specified
Safety Certification
kidSAFE+ COPPA-CERTIFIED Seal (FTC-Approved “Safe Harbor”)
Not specified
Apple Download and Ratings
4.5-star average out of 843.8K ratings on Apple
4.5-star average out of 5.7 K ratings
Number of Downloads on Android
Over 10 million downloads
Then just $14.99 a month until canceled
ABCmouse VS Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs is an early learning app focused on helping children learn to read and become better readers. The app only offers reading, while ABCmouse encompasses reading, math, language arts, sciences, social studies, and more. ABCmouse is geared towards children aged 2-8, while Reading Eggs focuses on children aged 3-7 and those aged 7-13 with their Reading Eggspress app.
While Reading Eggs supplies kids with 120 reading-focused lessons, ABCmouse provides access to over 10,000 learning activities, more than 850 lessons, and a large digital library. An annual subscription to ABCmouse costs $45 per year until canceled, while a year-long subscription to Reading Eggs costs $69.99.
Reading Eggs offers tests to assess reading skills as well as progress tracking that captures lessons completed and available in the app and several book recommendations. ABCmouse includes progress tracking, as well as access to an Assessment Center as a paid add-on to regular subscriptions. The Assessment Center allows parents to test children on what they’ve learned, highlighting areas they’ve mastered, subjects that need more attention, and recommended lessons based on assessments.
ABCmouse has published several efficacy studies highlighting the positive impact the app can have on children’s math and literacy skills. We found one study that highlights Reading Egg’s ability to help improve literacy skills. ABCmouse and Reading Eggs also differ in their number of downloads and ratings, with ABCmouse receiving a 4.5-star average out of 831.4K ratings and Reading Eggs receiving a 4.4-star average out of 101.8K ratings. Additionally, ABCmouse has over 10 million downloads on Android while Reading Eggs has over 1 million downloads.
Side-by-Side Overview
Here is a side-by-side comparison of ABCmouse and Reading Eggs.
Reading Eggs
Age Range
2-8 years old
Reading Eggs 3-7 year olds Reading Eggspress 7-13
Number of Profiles
3 child and 1 parent profiles
Up to 4 children
Math, Reading, Language Arts, Sciences, Social Studies & More
10,000+ activities, 10 levels including 850 lessons, digital library
120 lessons
$45 a year until canceled or $14.99 a month until canceled
$69.99 a year or $9.99 a month
30-day free trial
30-day free trial
Assessment Tools
Extensive Assessment Center
(Paid add on to subscription)
Performance & trend reporting
Custom lessons
Unlimited assessments
Quizzes at the end of lessons
Progress Tracking
Offers Progress Tracking
Time spent on each subject
Number of activities completed
My Program
Book recommendations
Lessons completed
Next available lessons
Safety Certification
kidSAFE+ COPPA-CERTIFIED Seal (FTC-Approved “Safe Harbor”)
kidSAFE+ COPPA-CERTIFIED Seal (FTC-Approved “Safe Harbor”)
Device Support
PC, Apple, iOS, Android, Windows tablets & Chromebooks
Apple Download and Ratings
4.5-star average out of 843.8K ratings on Apple
4.4 -star average out of 101.8K ratings
Number of Downloads on Android
Over 10 million downloads
1 million downloads
ABCmouse VS Tiny Tap
TinyTap features educational games and activities created by teachers and other users. The quality of the games, videos, and activities varies by creator. Both ABCmouse and TinyTap offer early learning to children aged 2-8. Both apps also focus on the subjects of math, reading, language arts, and science, with TinyTap also providing lessons in social skills.
While ABCmouse offers over 10,000 activities and 850 lessons across 10 learning levels, TinyTap provides access to 150,000 user- and teacher-generated games. TinyTap is available for $53.99 per year while ABCmouse is available for $45 per year until canceled.
ABCmouse includes progress tracking, highlighting how much time children spend on various subjects and how many activities they’ve completed. ABCmouse also offers the option to add the Assessment Center to subscriptions for an additional fee. The Assessment Center enables parents to evaluate children’s learning, identify their strengths, pinpoint areas needing improvement, and find suggested lessons based on children’s performance. TinyTap includes TinyTap Insights, which allows parents and educators to create and assign work to groups and monitor their progress and scores.
ABCmouse and TinyTap also differ in providing efficacy studies, with ABCmouse providing 5 studies (linked below) showing the app’s positive impact on reading and math skills and TinyTap having no efficacy studies that we could find. The products also differ in ratings and downloads, with ABCmouse receiving a 4.5-star average out of 831.4K ratings and TinyTap receiving a 4.4-star average out of 15.4K ratings. Additionally, ABCmouse has over 10 million downloads on Android while TinyTap has over 1 million downloads.
Side-by-Side Overview
Here is a side-by-side comparison of ABCmouse and Tiny Tap.
Tiny Tap
Efficacy Studies
None found at the time of publication
Age Range
2-8 years old
2-8 years old
Number of Profiles
3 child and 1 parent profiles
Up to 5
Math, Reading, Language Arts, Sciences, Social Studies & More
Math, Reading, Language Arts, Science, Social Skills
10,000+ activities, 10 levels including 850 lessons, digital library
150,000 user- and teacher- generated games
$45 a year until canceled or $14.99 a month until canceled
$53.99 a year or $4.49 a month
30-day free trial
7-day free trial
Assessment Tools
Extensive Assessment Center
(Paid add on to subscription)
Performance & trend reporting
Custom lessons
Unlimited assessments
Not specified
Progress Tracking
Offers Progress Tracking
Time spent on each subject
Number of activities completed
Tiny Tap Insights
Create groups
Assign lessons
Monitor Lessons
Safety Certification
kidSAFE+ COPPA-CERTIFIED Seal (FTC-Approved “Safe Harbor”)
Not specified
Apple Download and Ratings
4.5-star average out of 843.8K ratings on Apple
4.4-star average our of 15.4K ratings
Number of Downloads on Android
Over 10 million downloads
1 million downloads
Then just $14.99 a month until canceled
ABCmouse VS Kiddopia
ABCmouse and Kiddopia are both geared to children in a similar age group, with ABCmouse focusing on children aged 2-8 and Kiddopia focusing on children aged 2-7. ABCmouse offers learning in the subjects of math, reading, language arts, sciences, social studies, and more. Kiddopia provides learning in math, science, and problem solving.
ABCmouse features progress tracking, enabling parents to monitor the amount of time their children spend on specific subjects and which activities are completed. ABCmouse also offers access to an Assessment Center for an additional fee. This Assessment Center gives parents the ability to evaluate children’s understanding in various subjects, identify strengths and areas for improvement, and receive lesson recommendations based on assessment outcomes. Kiddopia does not appear to offer progress tracking or an assessment center.
We also could not find efficacy studies on Kiddopia, but have provided links to five ABCmouse studies below, showing the app’s positive impact on reading and math skills.
ABCmouse offers a robust selection of over 10,000 activities and 850 lessons, while Kiddopia has over 1,000 learning activities. ABCmouse and Kiddopia also differ in price, with Kiddopia costing $71.99 per year while ABCmouse’s annual fee is $45 per year until canceled.
Additionally, ABCmouse has been downloaded over 10 million times on Android while Kiddopia has been downloaded over 5 million times. ABCmouse has an average rating of 4.5 stars out of 831.4K ratings while Kiddopia has an average of 4.4 stars out of 100.2K ratings.
Side-by-Side Overview
Here is a side-by-side comparison of ABCmouse and Kiddopia.
Efficacy Studies
None found at the time of publication
Age Range
2-8 years old
2-7 years old
Number of Profiles
3 child and 1 parent profiles
Not specified
Math, Reading, Language Arts, Sciences, Social Studies & More
Math, Science & Problem Solving
10,000+ activities, 10 levels including 850 lessons, digital library
1000+ learning activities
$45 a year until canceled or $14.99 a month until canceled
$71.99 a year or $8.99 a month.
30-day free trial
7-day free trial
Assessment Tools
Extensive Assessment Center
(Paid add on to subscription)
Performance & trend reporting
Custom lessons
Unlimited assessments
Not specified
Progress Tracking
Offers Progress Tracking
Time spent on each subject
Number of activities completed
Not specified
Safety Certification
kidSAFE+ COPPA-CERTIFIED Seal (FTC-Approved “Safe Harbor”)
kidSAFE+ COPPA-CERTIFIED Seal (FTC-Approved “Safe Harbor”)
Apple Download and Ratings
4.5-star average out of 843.8K ratings on Apple
4.4-star average out of 100.2K ratings
Number of Downloads on Android
Over 10 million downloads
5 million downloads
ABCmouse VS Starfall
ABCmouse and Starfall both provide learning in the core subjects of reading, math, and language arts, with ABCmouse also offering science and social studies. ABCmouse is designed for children aged 2-8, while Starfall focuses on children in preschool through fifth grade.
Parents and teachers will find more activities and lessons on ABCmouse, which includes over 10,000 activities and 850 lessons. Starfall features over 900 learning activities.
Another difference between the two apps is the ability to assess children’s skills and progress while using the apps. Starfall offers printable assessments for children to complete while ABCmouse includes a Progress Tracker and access to an Assessment Center for an additional fee. ABCmouses’ Progress Tracker allows parents to see the amount of time children have spent on various subjects as well as the number of activities they’ve completed. The Assessment Center allows parents to assess children’s skills and see where they’re doing well, where they need more practice, and recommended lessons to help build their skills.
ABCmouse also provides five efficacy studies highlighting the positive impacts the app can have on children’s reading and math skills. We were able to find one research study on the benefits of using Starfall in kindergarten. All research studies are linked below in the side-by-side comparison.
Additionally, ABCmouse has a 4.5-star average rating from more than 831,000 reviews, while Starfall has a 3.2-star average rating out of 3,200 ratings. ABCmouse has also been downloaded over 10 million times on Android devices compared to Starfall’s over 5 million downloads.
Side-by-Side Overview
Here is a side-by-side comparison of ABCmouse and Starfall.
Age Range
2-8 years old
Preschool – 5th Grade
Number of Profiles
3 child and 1 parent profiles
1 household
Math, Reading, Language Arts, Sciences, Social Studies & More
Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics
10,000+ activities, 10 levels including 850 lessons, digital library
900 activities
$45 a year until canceled or $14.99 a month until canceled
$35 a year
30-day free trial
Not specified
Assessment Tools
Extensive Assessment Center
(Paid add on to subscription)
Performance & trend reporting
Custom lessons
Unlimited assessments
Paper assessments
Progress Tracking
Does not have progress tracking
Safety Certification
kidSAFE+ COPPA-CERTIFIED Seal (FTC-Approved “Safe Harbor”)
kidSAFE Listed Seal, but not COPPA-CETIFIED
Apple Download and Ratings
4.5-star average out of 843.8K ratings on Apple
4.0-star average out of 3.3K ratings
Number of Downloads on Android
Over 10 million downloads
5 million downloads
ABCmouse VS Noggin
Noggin is no longer offering new subscriptions as the product will be leaving the market soon. Therefore, we are not providing a side-by-side comparison.
More Reasons Why Parents and Teachers Love ABCmouse!
To truly understand how special ABCmouse is, we invite you to explore the rave reviews and heartfelt testimonials of real parents and teachers. With over 10 million downloads and a 4.5 average rating from 815,000 users as of January 2024, ABCmouse strives to remain an effective and trusted educational resource.
Check Out ABCmouse ➜
Legal Disclaimer: Any information, materials, or links to third-party resources are provided for informational purposes only. We are not affiliated with and do not sponsor/endorse these third parties and bear no responsibility for the accuracy of content on any external site. All information provided in this article is current as of DATE. April 2024 Information and pricing is subject to change.