Study: ABCmouse’s Impact on Pre-K and Kindergarten Academic Success
Early childhood education plays a pivotal role in preventing school failure and fostering academic success. To address this critical need, ABCmouse Early Learning Academy, in collaboration with the public school district prekindergarten (DPK) program in Tupelo, Mississippi, conducted two longitudinal studies to investigate the influence of our platform on the acquisition of literacy and math skills among prekindergarten and kindergarten students.
Overview of the Studies
Our research builds upon established literature highlighting the importance of early reading and math skills in predicting academic outcomes.
In Study 1, focusing on prekindergarten students identified as at risk for school failure, those who engaged in a higher number of ABCmouse learning activities demonstrated greater academic gains compared to their peers.
Study 2, a quasi-experimental design following the same cohort into kindergarten, revealed that regular usage of ABCmouse facilitated accelerated growth in literacy and math skills, bridging gaps between students of varying readiness levels.
Study 1 employed a naturalistic design, with prekindergarten students having varying usage of ABCmouse throughout the school year.
Study 2 utilized a quasi-experimental design, assigning two elementary schools full access to ABCmouse while restricting access in the other two schools for the first half of the year. Teachers were trained to integrate ABCmouse into their curriculum, ensuring at least 45 minutes of weekly usage.
Design & Procedure:
Study 1 comprised 230 prekindergarten students from Tupelo, Mississippi, prioritizing enrollment for those at risk of school failure, English language learners, children with developmental disabilities/delays, and those from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Study 2 included 571 kindergarten students from four elementary schools with varying levels of access to ABCmouse.
Study Results
The findings from both studies underscore the positive impact of ABCmouse on academic growth, particularly in literacy. Three key findings emerge:
- Regular usage of ABCmouse across prekindergarten and kindergarten facilitates greater academic growth, particularly in literacy.
- ABCmouse usage helps students at risk of school failure better prepare for kindergarten and achieve significant growth in literacy and math.
- Access to the full ABCmouse curriculum correlates with higher usage levels and accelerated academic gains, highlighting the importance of sustained engagement with the platform.
These results offer actionable insights for educators and parents, emphasizing the importance of integrating ABCmouse into early childhood education to enhance academic readiness and success. For access to the full study, please refer to the provided PDF.
Online Learning Tools
You don’t need specialized software to teach …., but using a tool like ABCmouse can make it a lot easier! Our app offers interactive and visually stimulating content that reinforces word recognition and reading skills through games and engaging activities.
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Additional Resources
Color By Letter Worksheets for Preschoolers
These worksheets are designed to help make learning the letters of the alphabet fun for young children.
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Shape Activities for Preschoolers and Kindergarteners
Check our these hands-on activities that will have your child learning and recognizing shapes in no time.
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ABCmouse Vs. Other Learning Apps
Compare ABCmouse with other leading early education apps to help discover which is best for your child.
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