Letter Q Crafts & Activities for Preschoolers
Try out these crafts and activities ideas to add some fun to learning the letter Q!
Table of Contents
Kids will delight in learning the letters of the alphabet with help from these engaging crafts and activities focused on the letter Q. Please note that these letter Q crafts are designed for preschoolers to explore with adult guidance.
Several of the letter Q crafts and activities listed below require the outline of a letter Q. You can draw one yourself or find one in our free printable collection of letter Q worksheets.
1. Q is for Quack
Create a letter Q that represents a quacking baby duck!
Required Materials
- yellow & orange construction paper
- plain sheet of paper
- scissors
- glue
- googly eyes
How To
Trace the shape of an uppercase letter Q onto a piece of yellow construction paper and cut it out. Then, cut out a cute little yellow tail. Next, cut three small triangles from orange colored construction paper for the feet and beak.
Work with your child to assemble the pieces to create a letter Q duck, and glue them down, along with the googly eyes. Finally, practice making a few quacks to help your child hear the letter Q sound.
Tip: Keep exploring ducks with our free printable duck coloring pages for kids.
2. Letter Q Painting
Use an uppercase or lowercase letter Q for this quick painting craft!
Required Materials
- letter Q outline
- paint colors of your choosing
- paper
- marker
- paper plate
- cotton swabs
How To
Print out or draw the outline of an uppercase or lowercase letter Q onto a white sheet of paper. Have your child pick out several colors of paint and squeeze a bit of each color onto a paper plate.
Next, gather together 5 to 6 cotton swabs in your hand so they’re even at both ends. Tape them together in the center. Have your child dip the cotton swabs into the paint and gently stamp the paint onto the paper to fill in the letter Q outline. The cotton swabs form a flower-like shape that puts a fun twist on painting.
3. Q is for Quarter
Every letter Q starts with a circle! Quarters make a great tool for creating circles, as well as practicing fine motor skills (tracing) and making the letter Q sound.
Required Materials
- letter Q outline
- paper
- pencil
- marker
- crayons
- quarter
How To
For this letter Q activity, draw or print out an outline of the letter Q. Have your child trace around the edge of a quarter using a pencil, filling the letter Q with circles. Next, your child will practice writing or identifying uppercase and lowercase letter Qs.
If your child is ready to try writing the letter Q, color in the circles with two different colors, and ask your child to fill in circles of one color with uppercase Qs and the other circles with lowercase Qs.
If your child is NOT ready to write the letter Q, do not color in the circles. Instead, fill them in with uppercase and lowercase Qs and ask your child to color in all the uppercase Qs with one color and the lowercase Qs with the other color. This lets them practice identifying which shape is which.
4. Q is for Queen
Turn the letter Q into quite a queen with a crown and googly eyes! This craft can be done on an uppercase or lowercase letter Q.
Required Materials
- letter Q outline
- yellow construction paper
- plastic gems
- glue
- scissors
- marker
- googly eyes
How To
Using scissors, cut out an uppercase or lowercase letter Q from a sheet of paper. Next, cut out a crown from yellow construction paper and have your child decorate it, adding plastic gems, sequins, glitter, or stickers to it. Glue the crown to the top of the letter Q, then glue down the googly eyes, and draw a smile. If you’d like, draw in some long eyelashes above the googly eyes!
5. Q Tail Creation
The biggest difference between an uppercase Q and a lowercase Q is its tail. Practice adding in tails with playdough for some sensory fun!
Required Materials
- paper
- marker
- playdough
How To
Ask your child to draw two same-sized circles onto a piece of paper. Then explain that they’ll be turning those circles into the letter Q by putting a tail in the right place. Have your child roll
bits of playdough into strips, and place them onto the circles to form an uppercase and/or lowercase letter Q.
Tip: You can also use yarn, string, or pipe cleaners to create the Q tails.
6. Q is for Quiet
Create the universal sign for quiet with this craft that looks like someone saying “shhh!”
Required Materials
- construction paper
- pencil, crayon, or marker
- scissors
- glue
How To
Ask your child to draw a circle on to a piece of paper and turn it into a face by adding eyes, eyebrows, and a nose. Then, trace the outline of your child’s hand onto a piece of construction paper and cut it out. Next, fold down all of the fingers except the index (pointer) finger and place the hand where the mouth would be on the face, creating a person saying “shhhh!” or asking for some quiet!
7. Q is for Quilt
If you’ve been on a quest to create a quilt, now’s your chance! Plus, this letter Q quilt is a cinch to make.
Required Materials
- letter Q outline
- fabric scraps or decorated paper
- scissors
- glue
How To
Print out or draw the outline of the letter Q onto a piece of white paper. If you have fabric scraps, ask your child to trim them to fit inside the letter Q outline and then glue them down, creating a letter Q quilt.
If you don’t have fabric scraps, create quilt squares with construction paper. Start by cutting out strips of different colored construction paper. Draw various patterns onto each strip using markers or crayons. Cut each strip into smaller squares and glue them down to fill in the Q outline like a quilt.
Tip: You can also use squares of wrapping paper or decorative paper to create the letter Q quilt.
8. Letter Q Hole Punch
In this activity, kids will pick out the letter Q from other uppercase and lowercase letters, marking the correct letter with a hole punch for added fun.
Required Materials
- paper
- marker
- hole punch
How To
Cut out large strips of paper (or cut a piece of paper in half) and write an uppercase Q and a lowercase Q onto the first section, leaving about 2/3rds of the paper available for the grid.
Draw a grid on the remaining section of paper, creating several rows and columns. On the paper with the uppercase Q, fill in the grid with several Qs, as well as other uppercase letters. Do the same on the other piece of paper, using lowercase letter Qs and other lowercase letters.
Ask your child to use the hole punch to mark off each letter Q that they see on the grids.
Tip: Don’t have a hole punch? Have your child mark the letter Qs with stickers instead.
9. Q is for Question
Practice the letter Q sound and making question marks in this simple letter Q activity.
Required Materials
- letter Q outline
- markers or colored pencils
How To
Draw or print out the outline of the letter Q. Then, ask your child to fill the letter Q with question marks. If your child isn’t familiar with this shape, spend some time discussing when question marks are used, show them a few in their books, and then write an example for them to use as a guide while filling in their letter Q.
Add in some math practice by counting how many question marks you added to the letter Q.
10. Q is for Quail
A fun writing tool can make all the difference when practicing with the letter Q!
Required Materials
- letter Q tracing page
- glitter glue (or fun pens or markers)
How To
This simple activity provides important writing practice. Print out our letter Q worksheets and set your child up with glitter glue pens, a fresh set of crayons or colored pencils, or gel pens or another new-to-them writing tool. Than, ask them to try writing as many letter Qs as they can!
More Letter Q Fun
Delight your child with more fun ways to explore the letter Q, including:
The ideas, pictures, and copy for this post were provided by Smitha Katti from smilingcolors.com
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