Evidence-based curriculum for ages 2-8

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How Online Alphabet Games Can Improve Letter Recognition Skills  

Children playing on an i-pad having fun.

The Appeal of Digital Alphabet Games

The game Dd is for Dinosaur Puzzle Game is a great example of this. As children engage with this ABCmouse game, they’re initially captivated by the sight of a T. rex and the fun of solving a puzzle, but as they work to assemble the puzzle, they also practice recognizing the uppercase and lowercase letter D, along with spatial awareness and critical thinking. 

D is for dinosaur free fun puzzle game.

How Digital Games Make Learning the Alphabet Fun 

Child and mother playing with ABCmouse.com.

Alphabet Bubbles 

In this fast-paced, beach-themed game, young children practice recognizing lowercase letters from a to z. Players will hear a letter spoken, and they must pop as many bubbles containing that lowercase letter as quickly as possible, helping to grow letter recognition skills

Screen shot of ABCmouse alphabet bubble pop game from ABCmouse.com.

Market Alphabet Finder   

Set in a grocery store, children work with a grocer to help find groceries that begin with a certain letter of the alphabet. They must choose between three different objects. This game not only helps with letter recognition in an everyday setting, it can also help with spelling and vocabulary.  

Screen shot of ABCmouse market alphabet finder game from ABCmouse.com.

Alphabet Sounds at the Zoo  

While having fun with this zoo-themed alphabet game, children can explore letter sounds as they learn about zoo animals. For example, when they click on a picture of a lion, they’ll hear the sound of the letter “L,” followed by the word “lion.” Playing this alphabet game can improve letter recognition, understanding of letter sounds, and vocabulary.  

Screen shot of ABCmouse alphabet sounds at the zoo game from ABCmouse.com.

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