Louisiana Homeschooling Laws and Resources
If you live in Louisiana and are considering homeschooling, the best way to get started is to learn about the state’s requirements and resources with this comprehensive overview.
Homeschooling in Louisiana Overview
Notice of Intent Required: Yes
2 Options for Homeschooling: Nonpublic School Not Seeking State Approval, Approved Home Study
Subject or Curriculum Requirements: No for nonpublic school, yes for state approved home study
Attendance Age Requirements: 7-18
Assessments or Evaluations Required: No
Proof of Immunization Required: No for nonpublic school, yes for state approved home study
Table of Contents
Louisiana Homeschooling Laws and Regulations
Options for Homeschooling
Option 1: Nonpublic School
Option 2: Approved Home Study
Qualifications to Homeschool
Mandatory School Age
Evaluations and Assessments
Required Immunizations
Resources for Homeschooling Families in Louisiana
Homeschool Groups and Co-ops
Sports Opportunities
Homeschool Field Trips
Special Education Homeschoolers
How Our Curriculum Can Help
Homeschool FAQ
Options for Homeschooling in Louisiana
Louisiana offers two options for homeschooling families. Here’s a quick overview of each. You can get more details on these programs below.
- Nonpublic School Not Seeking State Approval: When you choose this option, your homeschool is essentially a private school for your children. The requirements are minimal.
- Approved Home Study: With this option, families must annually prove that they provide an education in line with the state’s academic standards. In return, students are eligible to participate in more programs, and parents or guardians can issue diplomas verifying their child received an education in accordance with the program.
Nonpublic School Not Seeking State Approval Process and Requirements
If you’re looking for minimum oversight, consider the Nonpublic School option. Be aware that your child will not be eligible for the TOPS scholarship program, and you cannot accept federal or state funding. Here’s what you’ll need to do:
Public School Notification
If your child was previously enrolled in public school, you must notify the school of their transfer to your nonpublic homeschool within 10 days of beginning to homeschool. You can request a copy of their transcripts at this time.
Provide your notification in writing, and include the child’s legal name, date of birth, gender, and race. Consider sending this notification via certified mail so you have proof of receipt, and keep a copy for your records.
Annual Notice of Attendance
You must provide attendance information every year that you homeschool. This is as simple as indicating your school location and the number of students attending.
Submit your information by the 30th day of each school year. Louisiana prefers you enter this information online using this form. If you’re unable or unwilling to use the online system, contact the Department of Education.
Required Number of Days
You must provide 180 days of instruction per school year, with a minimum of 330 minutes (5.5 hours) of instruction per day. Families may otherwise set a school schedule that works for them.
Other Requirements
There are no subject requirements for nonpublic homeschools. They are also not required to keep or submit any records.
Home educators should consider keeping records for their own use, including attendance records, lists of courses and educational materials, grades achieved and assessments taken, and a portfolio of work samples.
TIP: The more complete your records, the easier it will be to generate transcripts or transition your child back to public school if necessary.
Approved Home Study Process and Requirements
Louisiana’s second homeschool option is Approved Home Study. Students in Approved Home Study programs can take classes and participate in public school sports. They may receive diplomas that carry the same weight as a public school diploma and can apply for TOPS scholarships.
In exchange, families must meet several requirements to prove their children are receiving an education that is at least equivalent to that offered by public schools.
Submit an Application
When you’re ready to begin homeschooling, you must apply for home study approval from the state. You have up to 15 days after starting to homeschool to apply, though the state recommends you seek approval before you begin. Submit your application online using this form, or call the Department of Education for other options.
The initial application includes student information, family contact information, prior school information, if applicable, and an immunization statement. You must agree to provide your child with an education that meets all the home study requirements (see below) and include a certified copy of your child’s birth certificate. Learn more about the application process here.
If approved, you will receive an Approval Verification letter within 1-2 weeks.
TIP: The state suggests you submit a copy of this letter to a student’s prior school, but it’s not required.
Required Number of Days
You must provide 180 days of instruction per school year, with a minimum of 330 minutes (5.5 hours) of instruction per day. Families may otherwise set a school schedule that works for them.
Required Subjects
Approved Home Study programs must follow the Louisiana Academic Standards. These standards indicate what children must learn at each grade level but not how they are taught.
TIP: While you’re required to teach certain subjects, your curriculum programs and educational materials are completely up to you. Home educators can also determine the correct grade level for their child.
Louisiana has standards in seven subject areas: English language arts (reading and writing), math, science, social studies, foreign languages, physical education, and health. Find more information in the Academic Standards library.
Approved Home Study students may borrow textbooks from their local public school for the grade level they’re studying (a deposit may be required). If you’re interested, contact the local school.
Annual Renewal
Each year, you will be required to renew your Home Study approval. Submit this renewal application by October 1st.
To renew, you must provide proof that you are meeting the academic standards for your child’s grade level. There are three ways you can do this:
- Curriculum Packet: This could include (but is not limited to) a listing of subjects taught, materials used, a third party statement about the student’s progress, work samples, and/or report cards or standardized test results.
- Standardized Test Scores: Approved Home Study students are not required to take standardized tests. However, if you choose, you can use approved tests as evidence your child is progressing adequately.
- Teacher Statement: You may submit a statement from a teacher certified to teach at your child’s grade level. This statement verifies the teacher has examined the program and agrees it provides a “sustained curriculum of a quality at least equal to that taught in public schools at the same grade level.”
Qualifications to Homeschool in Louisiana
Louisiana law does not specify any requirements for homeschool teachers.
All you need to homeschool is a passion for your child’s education and a willingness to put in the time and effort it requires.
Mandatory School Age in Louisiana
In Louisiana, children must start school by the time they turn 7. Parents may start instruction earlier if they wish but must follow all requirements when their child turns 7.
TIP: Children must continue school instruction until they graduate high school or turn 18, whichever comes first.
Louisiana Homeschool Assessments and Evaluations
While standardized tests aren’t required for homeschoolers, those in an Approved Home Study program may use them to meet the academic requirements for renewal each year. Contact your local school board for more information.
Required Immunizations for Homeschoolers in Louisiana
Nonpublic homeschool students are not required to comply with immunization requirements. Approved Homeschool Students aged 11 and older must provide a statement of meningococcal immunization or waiver due to medical, religious, or personal belief.
Homeschool Groups and Co-ops in Louisiana
Many families find the friendship and support of statewide homeschool organizations or local groups and co-ops beneficial to their homeschool experience. They can answer questions, provide social and academic events, and more. Here are two options:
- Homeschool Louisiana: This Christian-based group has an annual conference, plus resources to help you homeschool successfully in the state.
- NOLA Homeschoolers: Find a listing of various New Orleans area homeschool groups and co-ops, plus more resources.
Visit The Homeschool Mom for more homeschool groups and co-ops in Louisiana.
Sports Opportunities for Homeschoolers in Louisiana
Louisiana homeschoolers have plenty of options for athletics and physical education. Approved Home Study students may participate in public school sports and extracurriculars with the principal’s approval. Contact your local school if you’re interested.
Some areas offer homeschool sports leagues just for kids learning at home. Ask your local homeschool groups or co-ops about options.
Your community likely has multiple youth sports programs, and they welcome homeschool students. Here are some options to consider:
Group Name & Website | What Sports They Cover | What Area |
SWLA Homeschool Athletic Club | Basketball, baseball and softball, football, cheer, soccer, volleyball, track & field | Throughout Louisiana |
YMCA Youth Sports | Baseball, soccer, volleyball, flag football, karate, basketball, gymnastics | Throughout Louisiana |
NFL Flag | Flag football | Throughout Louisiana |
Little League | Baseball, softball | Throughout Louisiana |
Louisiana Soccer Association | Soccer | Throughout Louisiana |
Louisiana Homeschool Field Trips
Homeschoolers have many opportunities to make field trips as part of their instruction. Whether you make it a family trip or team up with other homeschoolers to qualify for group discounts or special programs, Louisiana has much to offer.
Head outside to explore some of Louisiana’s terrific state parks or historical sites, like the Poverty Point World Heritage Site or the Louisiana State Arboretum. New Orleans is a great city to learn about history and culture, with places like The Cabildo and the New Orleans Museum of Art. The Audubon Zoo and Audubon Aquarium of the Americas will get animal lovers excited. In Baton Rouge, check out the Old State Capitol or the Louisiana Art & Science Museum.
Special Education Homeschoolers
Homeschooling families with students with special needs do not have many options for receiving special education services in Louisiana under their current homeschool laws.
The home study option for homeschoolers comes with no availability for services provided through the local school district. The private school option is similar, as the law states that there are no individual rights to receive special education services that might be afforded to those attending public school.
That being said, school districts may work with families to provide homeschooling students with a non-public private school designation some special education support and services.
Support Your Homeschool with ABCmouse and Adventure Academy
Our digital learning programs are designed by curriculum experts to assist your homeschool and children ages 2 through 13. ABCmouse is a comprehensive online educational platform for children ages 2-8, while Adventure Academy focuses on children ages 8-13. Both programs provide access to lessons on reading, language arts, math, sciences, social studies, and more. Learn more about how each program can enhance your homeschool below.
ABCmouse and Homeschooling
ABCmouse offers over 10,000 learning activities and more than 850 lessons for children, plus a large digital library of books and educational puzzles, songs, activities, and worksheets. The program encourages self-paced learning with motivating rewards and includes progress tracking, which allows home educators to monitor time spent on certain subjects and the number of activities completed.
Then just $14.99/mo. until canceled
As a paid add-on to regular subscriptions, home educators can access the Assessment Center, which allows parents and caregivers to test children on their knowledge, determine successes and struggles, and receive recommended lessons based on assessments.
ABCmouse provides a robust curriculum that can supplement other early learning lessons. It’s trusted resource that’s been downloaded over 10 million times and has a 4.5-star average out of 831.4K ratings.
Adventure Academy and Homeschooling
Adventure Academy combines an interactive world with a curriculum covering reading, language arts, math, science, and social studies. With quests, games, and educational videos and activities, learning becomes an epic journey that motivates kids to explore various topics.
For homeschooling families, Adventure Academy offers an engaging, flexible learning experience that can supplement other educational materials. The program features thousands of activities created by curriculum experts and covers all major academic domains.
Parents and caregivers can choose academic difficulty levels and track each child’s progress, seeing time spent in Adventure Academy, activities completed, and subjects studied.
Adventure Academy emphasizes key topics such as reading comprehension, vocabulary development, mathematical operations, fractions, world geography, American history, physical science, life science, earth science, and scientific inquiry.
For more information, visit AdventureAcademy.com.
Louisiana Homeschool FAQ
Is Louisiana a homeschool-friendly state?
Louisiana offers several options to meet all homeschooling needs. Whether you prefer minimal oversight or a more structured program that provides an official diploma, you’ve got options. This makes Louisiana very friendly to homeschoolers.
How do Louisiana homeschoolers receive diplomas or transcripts?
Parents/guardians or home study programs issue diplomas and transcripts for all homeschool students in Louisiana. Learn more about diplomas for Approved Home Study programs here.
Is unschooling legal in Louisiana?
Provided families meet the minimum requirements for their chosen homeschool option, unschooling is legal in Louisiana.
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