2-Letter Words for Kids (Free Printable List)
Check out our list of common two-letter words, including two-letter sight words, and fun two-letter word activities for preschoolers and kindergarteners.
Our list of two letter words are ideal for helping preschoolers and kindergarteners learn these simple words that appear frequently in text and language. Learning to recognize and pronounce two-letter words can be a helpful step on a child’s literacy journey, as it can build their confidence and allow their minds to focus on reading comprehension and learning other new words.
Pick and choose the words you feel are appropriate for your child, and remember that this list can be used to familiarize your child with 2-letter words, as a vocabulary list, or as a spelling list.
These 2-letter word lists include definition for each word, as well as the word used in a simple sentence to help your child better understand its meaning. Further enhance learning with our activities listed at the bottom of the page to help bring even more fun to learning 2-letter words.
Lists of 2-Letter Words
You’ll find a list of the most common two-letter words for kindergarteners and preschoolers, two-letter sight words, and common two-letter words with definition and used in sentences.
Top 25 Most Common 2-Letter Words in the English Language:
am | an | as | at |
be | by | do | go |
he | if | in | is |
it | me | my | no |
of | on | or | so |
to | up | us | we |
do |
2-Letter Sight Words:
am | at | be | go |
he | in | is | it |
my | on | to | up |
we |
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Top 25 2-Letter Words with Definitions and Sentences
☐ am: to be (first person singular present). “I am happy.”
☐ an: used before words that start with the “a” vowel sound to represent one item. “She wants an apple.”
☐ as: used to compare. “She is as tall as her brother.”
☐ at: indicating location or position. “We are at the park.”
☐ be: used to help describe someone or something. “I want to be a doctor.”
☐ by: near or next to. “The book is by the lamp.”
☐ do: to perform an action. “I need to do my homework.”
☐ go: to move from one place to another. “We will go to the beach.”
☐ he: a male person or animal. “He is my friend.”
☐ if: used to introduce a condition. “If it rains, we will stay inside.”
☐ in: inside a place or thing. “The toy is in the box.”
☐ is: third person singular present of “to be.” “She is my sister.”
☐ it: used to refer to something. “It is in the toy box.”
☐ me: used by a speaker to refer to themselves. “Please give me the book.”
☐ my: belonging to the speaker. “This is my dog.”
☐ no: used to give a negative response. “No, I don’t want any extra homework.”
☐ of: helps to express the relationship between things. “She is a friend of mine.”
☐ on: physically in contact with a surface. “The book is on the table.”
☐ or: used to link alternatives. “Do you want milk or juice?”
☐ so: very; a lot. “I am so happy.”
☐ to: used to indicate purpose, direction, or belonging. “We are going to the store.”
☐ up: toward a higher place or position. “He climbed up the tree.”
☐ us: used by a speaker to refer to themselves and one or more other people. “She gave us two books to read.”
☐ we: used by a speaker to refer to themselves and one or more other people. “We are going to the park.”
☐ do: to perform an action. “I need to do my homework.”
Other 2-Letter Words:
☐ ad: short for advertisement. “I saw a cool toy ad on TV.”
☐ ah: an expression of surprise or relief. “Ah, I finally found my pencil!”
☐ aw: an expression of sympathy or disappointment. “Aw, I spilled my milk.”
☐ ax: a tool used for chopping wood. “You will need to use an ax to cut the firewood.”
☐ er: a sound people make when they are thinking or unsure. “Er, I’m not sure about the answer.”
☐ ex: short for “former.” “She’s an ex-employee at the store.”
☐ ha: a sound made when laughing. “Ha, that joke was funny!”
☐ hi: a greeting. “Hi, how are you today?”
☐ hm: a sound people make when they are thinking. “Hm, let me think about that.”
☐ lo: an expression to draw attention. “Lo and behold, the treasure was found!”
☐ oh: an expression of surprise. “Oh, I didn’t know you were here!”
☐ ok: abbreviation of “okay,” a response meaning thing or alright or another way to say “yes.” ”Mom said it’s ok to play outside after lunch.”
☐ ow: an expression of pain. “Ow, that hurt!”
☐ ox: a large farm animal. “The ox helped plow the field.”
☐ oy: an expression of exasperation. “Oy, what a mess!”
☐ pa: informal term for “dad.” “I went fishing with my pa.”
☐ pi: a number that represents the circumference-to-diameter ratio of a circle (π). “We learned about pi in math class.”
☐ sh: a sound to tell someone to be quiet. “Sh, we’re in the library.”
☐ uh: an expression of hesitation. “Uh, I’m not sure about that.”
☐ um: an expression of hesitation. “Um, let me think.”
☐ ye: an old-fashioned word for “you.” “Hear ye, hear ye, the king speaks!”
☐ yo: a greeting or call for attention. “Yo, what’s up?”