A to Z Words for Kids (Free Printables)
Get free printable words lists and activities for every letter of the alphabet, a printable A-Z list of words for kids, and more!
Learning the alphabet and each letter’s sound is the first step in learning to read, and these free printable lists of words for kids is a great way to get started. These alphabetical lists of words are also a great way to expand your child’s vocabulary and help them with spelling practice.
Our word lists for children are designed for students in preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, and beyond. You’ll find printable lists of words, their definitions, posters, pictures to color, and fun activities for every letter of the alphabet.
- Get a free printable A-Z List of Words for Kids! Look below for a list of words for kids featuring every letter of the alphabet. This free printable alphabet word list is great for kids in kindergarten and up.
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Alphabet Words Lists Overview
For each letter of the alphabet, you’ll find word lists that include definitions and simple sentences to help children not only learn that letter and letter’s sound, but to also practice using the letter sound while growing their vocabulary and understanding of the word’s meaning. You’ll also find free printable posters and worksheets and catchy songs featuring each letter of the alphabet, as well as activities and tips to try with your child to help them have fun while practicing with each letter and its sounds.
Simply pick from the letter below and explore the vast array of resources we’ve created for you and your child to grow their letter and letter-sound recognition skills, along with their vocabulary.
A to Z Word Lists & Activities
Recommended for: Preschool and Up
Free A-Z Printable List of Words for Kids
Recommended for: Kindergarten and Up
This list of words features a handful of words from each of the alphabet lists above. It’s a great way for kindergarteners and first graders to review the letter sounds, words, and definitions they learned from the full alphabet lists and printables above. Select the button below to download and print our list featuring words with every letter of the alphabet.
- Note: For longer, more comprehensive lists and activities for children aged 2-8, select from the alphabet lists above.
Letter A Words
☐ acorn: the nut of an oak tree. “The squirrel hid an acorn.”
☐ album: a collection of photographs or music. “We looked at the photo album.”
☐ area: the measurement of a surface. “The total area of the field is 200.”
☐ also: in addition to. “I have a cat, and I also have a dog.”
☐ antler: a bony growth on the head of a deer. “The deer had large antlers.”
☐ apple: a fruit that is typically round, red, or green, and eaten as food. “She enjoyed a fresh apple.”
☐ apron: a garment worn to protect clothing. “Mom wears an apron when she cooks.”
☐ arrow: a thin, pointed shaft shot from a bow. “The arrow flew straight.”
☐ artist: a person who creates art. “The artist painted a beautiful scene.”
☐ award: a prize given for an achievement. “She won an award.”
Letter B Words
☐ brush: an instrument with bristles for cleaning. “She will brush her teeth.”
☐ brave: showing courage. “The brave firefighter saved the cat.”
☐ blossom: a flower or a state of flowering. “The cherry trees are in blossom.”
☐ butter: a dairy product made from cream. “She spread butter on her toast.”
☐ bubble: a thin sphere of liquid enclosing air. “He blew a big bubble.”
☐ basket: a container made of woven material. “She carried the fruit in a basket.”
☐ blanket: a large piece of fabric used as a covering for warmth. “He wrapped himself in a blanket.”
☐ butterfly: a flying insect with colorful wings. “A butterfly landed on the flower.”
☐ birthday: the anniversary of the day on which a person was born. “We celebrated his birthday with a party.”
☐ branch: a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk. “A bird built a nest on the branch.”
☐ button: a small fastener on clothing. “He realized a button had fallen off his coat.”
☐ breeze: a gentle wind. “The breeze cooled the air.”
☐ bucket: a cylindrical container with a handle. “He filled the bucket with water.”
☐ balance: to keep steady or in equilibrium. “She can balance on one foot.”
Letter C Words
☐ cage: a structure of bars or wires in which animals or birds are kept. “The parrot sings in its cage.”
☐ cake: a sweet baked dessert. “We eat cake at birthday parties.”
☐ candy: a sweet treat. “She loves eating candy.”
☐ chalk: a type of soft white rock used for writing on blackboards or sidewalks. “She draws pictures with chalk on the sidewalk.”
☐ clap: to hit your hands together to show enjoyment or approval. “We clap after the show.”
☐ coat: a piece of clothing worn to keep warm. “He put his coat on over his sweater because it’s cold.”
☐ cold: having a low temperature. “The snow feels cold on my hands.”
☐ color: the appearance of objects caused by the way they reflect light. “The sky is a beautiful color at sunset.”
☐ comb: a toothed device used for styling hair. “He uses a comb to tidy his hair.”
☐ cone: a shape that tapers from a larger circle to a smaller point. “He licks his ice cream cone.”
☐ corn: a vegetable with yellow or white kernels that are eaten. “We have corn on the cob for dinner.”
☐ crab: a sea creature with a hard shell and claws. “The crab scuttles across the sand.”
☐ crawl: to move on your hands and knees. “The baby learns to crawl before walking.”
☐ cub: a baby bear. “The cub follows its mother.”
Letter D Words
☐ daisy: a type of white flower with a yellow center. “She picked a daisy in the field.”
☐ dandelion: a yellow wildflower that turns into fluffy white seeds. “He blew the dandelion seeds into the air.”
☐ dart: a small, thin object that can be thrown. “He threw the dart at the board.”
☐ date: a specific day on the calendar. “Her birthday is on a special date.”
☐ dear: a term of endearment for someone you love or care about deeply. “My dear friend, I appreciate you greatly.”
☐ diary: a book where you can write your thoughts and experiences. “She writes in her diary every night.”
☐ ding: a soft sound like a bell. “The ding of the oven timer means the cookies are done.”
☐ dock: a place where boats are kept in the water. “They watched the boats at the dock.”
☐ doe: a female deer. “The doe grazed in the meadow.”
☐ dragon: a mythical creature that breathes fire. “He drew a dragon in art class.”
☐ drum: a musical instrument you hit with sticks or your hands. “He plays the drum in music class.”
☐ duckling: a young duck. “The duckling follows its mother around the pond.”
☐ dusk: the time in the evening when it starts to get dark. “They went inside at dusk.”
☐ drive: to operate and control the direction and speed of a motor vehicle. “She likes to drive the car along the coast to see the ocean.”
☐ dive: to jump into water head first. “The dolphin loves to dive back into the water.”
☐ drop: to let something fall. “She will drop the ball into the toy bin.”
Letter E Words
☐ east: the direction where the sun rises. “We watched the sun rise in the east.”
☐ elbow: the joint in the middle of the arm where it bends. “He bumped his elbow on the door.”
☐ elder: a person who is older. “Ask your elder sister to help you with your homework.”
☐ elect: to choose someone for a position by voting. “They will elect a new class president.”
☐ elegy: a sad poem or song, often in memory of someone who has died. “They read an elegy at the memorial.”
☐ element: a basic part of something. “Water is an important element for all living things.”
☐ elephant: a large, gray mammal with a long trunk. “The elephant lifted its trunk to say hello.”
☐ elevate: to lift up or make higher. “The doctor said to elevate my ankle after injuring it.”
☐ excited: having a large amount of happiness and eagerness for something. “He was excited for his birthday party.”
☐ elite: a group that is superior in terms of ability or qualities. “She is part of the elite math team.”
☐ elope: to run away secretly to get married. “The story is about a couple who decide to elope.”
☐ embark: to start a journey or venture. “They embark on a quest for hidden treasure.”
☐ embrace: to hug or accept something enthusiastically. “She wrapped her mother in a big embrace.”
Letter F Words
☐ fair: even and balanced in treatment. “She plays fair with her friends.”
☐ fate: a power that is believed to control what happens in the future. “They believed it was fate that they met.”
☐ fear: to be scared of something. “She has a fear of spiders.”
☐ feed: to give food to. “He feeds the cat every morning.”
☐ fell: past tense of fall, to drop down. “He fell off the swing.”
☐ feel: to examine something by touch; to experience a sensation of something. “I feel like I may get a stomach ache.”
☐ fern: a type of green plant that has feathery leaves. “They saw ferns in the forest.”
☐ fest: a gathering or event with lots of fun activities. “They went to the food fest.”
☐ fife: a small, high-pitched flute. “The musician played the fife.”
☐ film: a movie. “We watched a film together.”
☐ flew: past tense of fly, to move through the air. “The bird flew away.”
☐ flit: to move swiftly and lightly. “The butterfly flits from flower to flower.”
☐ flop: to fall or sit down heavily. “He’ll flop down on the sofa when he gets home.”
☐ flub: to make a mistake. “I hope we don’t flub our lines in the play.”
☐ foil: a very thin sheet of metal. “She wrapped the sandwich in foil.”
☐ fold: to bend something over on itself. “Please fold your clothing and put it away.”
☐ fond: having a liking or affection for. “She is fond of chocolate.”
☐ font: a specific size and style of text. “They chose a new font for the document.”
Letter G Words
☐ galaxy: a large system of stars, gas, and dust in space. “We looked at pictures of the galaxy in our science book.”
☐ gave: to present voluntarily without expecting anything in return. “She gave her friend a hug.”
☐ gazebo: a small, open building in a garden or park, usually used for relaxation or entertainment. “The family enjoyed lunch under the gazebo at the park.”
☐ glass: a hard, clear material used to make windows, jars, and bottles. “She filled the glass with water.”
☐ gloves: coverings that keep the hands warm or protected. “He wore gloves to keep his hands warm.”
☐ goal: an aim or desired result. “His goal is to learn how to read.”
☐ goat: a type of animal. “The goat climbed up the hill.”
☐ gold: a yellow precious metal. “She wore a necklace made of gold.”
☐ gone: no longer present. “The cookies are gone because we ate them all.”
☐ good: to be desired or approved of. “He did a good job on his artwork.”
☐ gown: a long elegant dress worn on formal occasions. “She wore a beautiful gown to the dance.”
☐ grass: the green plant that covers the ground in many places. “The grass is wet with dew in the morning.”
☐ green: the color between blue and yellow in the spectrum. “The grass is very green in the spring.”
☐ group: a number of individuals assembled together. “The group of children played at the park.”
Letter H Words
☐ hail: frozen rain. “We got caught in a sudden hail storm.”
☐ hear: to perceive sound. “I can hear the birds.”
☐ heart: the organ in your chest that pumps blood. “His heart beat fast after running.”
☐ hero: a person admired for their courage. “She was a hero for saving the puppy.”
☐ hint: a small piece of information that helps you guess an answer. “Can you give me a hint?”
☐ hiss: the sound a snake makes. “The snake will hiss if it feels threatened.”
☐ hoax: a false warning or trick. “The story turned out to be a hoax.”
☐ hoof: the hard foot of some animals like horses. “The horse’s hoof was covered in mud.”
☐ hurl: to throw something with force. “He can hurl the baseball across the field.”
☐ hurt: to cause pain. “It hurt when I fell down.”
☐ hush: to make quiet or to become quiet. “The teacher asked the class to hush.”
Letter I Words
☐ imagine: to think of or create something in your mind. “Let’s imagine we’re in a magical land.”
☐ important: something that is of great significance or value. “Being kind is important.”
☐ infant: a very young baby. “The infant slept quietly in her crib.”
☐ inform: to give information or knowledge. “The teacher will inform us about the trip tomorrow.”
☐ ingredient: a part of any mixture or combination. “Flour is an important ingredient in cakes.”
☐ inside: the inner part of something. “The treasure is hidden inside the box.”
☐ invite: to ask someone to come to an event. “We will invite all our friends to the birthday party.”
☐ into: going inside something. “She put the toys into the box.”
☐ iron: a tool used to press clothes to remove wrinkles. “He used the iron to smooth out his shirt.”
Letter J Words
☐ jazz: a type of music with lively, complex rhythms. “They listened to jazz music during dinner.”
☐ jeep: a small, rugged vehicle used for off-road driving. “They drove a jeep up the mountain.”
☐ jest: to joke or act playfully. “The statement was said in jest–it wasn’t serious.”
☐ jinx: to bring bad luck. “She didn’t want to jinx her chances by saying too much.”
☐ joint: a place where two parts of something fit together. “The doctor showed how the bones in the elbow joint allow it to move.”
☐ jolly: very happy and cheerful. “Santa Claus is a jolly man.”
☐ juice: a liquid drink typically made from fruits or vegetables. “He drank a glass of orange juice at breakfast.”
☐ jukebox: a machine that plays songs from records when a coin is inserted. “The diner has an old jukebox.”
☐ jump rope: a rope used in a game where people swing the rope over their heads and under their feet. “The children love to jump rope during recess.”
☐ juniper: a type of shrub or small tree with berries. “There are several juniper bushes by the lake.”
☐ just: very soon or recently. “I’ll just put the blanket away.”
☐ justice: the quality of being fair and reasonable. “The teacher explained that giving everyone a turn is an example of justice.”
Letter K Words
☐ keep: to retain or continue to have possession of. “He likes to keep his toys organized.”
☐ kennel: a small shelter for a dog or cat. “The dog sleeps in the kennel outside.”
☐ kettle: a container or device with a lid, spout, and handle in which water is boiled. “She boiled water in the kettle for tea.”
☐ kilt: a knee-length skirt of pleated tartan cloth, traditionally worn by men as part of Scottish Highland dress. “He wore a kilt to the festival.”
☐ kind: having or showing a friendly, generous, and considerate nature. “She was very kind to share her snacks.”
☐ king: a male ruler. “The king wore a golden crown.”
☐ knoll: a small hill or mound. “They picnicked on top of the grassy knoll.”
Letter L Words
☐ label: a small piece of material attached to an object that gives information about it. “Read the label on the jar to find its ingredients.”
☐ labor: to work hard; make great effort. “They labored from dawn to dusk.”
☐ lack: to be without or deficient in. “He lacks confidence.”
☐ link: a connection between things. “Let’s link the chains together.”
☐ list: a series of names or other items written or printed together. “She made a list of her favorite books.”
☐ loft: a room directly under the roof of a house that’s often not enclosed. “They converted the loft into a bedroom.”
☐ long: measuring a great distance from end to end. “She drew a long line in the sand.”
☐ look: to direct your eyes in order to see. “Look at the beautiful sunset!”
☐ loud: producing a lot of noise. “The music was too loud at the concert.”
☐ love: a great interest in something or a deep affection for someone. “He has a love for music.”
☐ lungs: the organs within the rib cage used for breathing air. “Her lungs felt tired after so much running.”
☐ lush: growing in abundance. “The garden is lush with flowers and greenery.”
☐ lute: a stringed instrument with a large pear-shaped body with a neck and a fretted fingerboard. “He learned to play the lute in music class.”
☐ lying: to be in a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface. “The books are lying on the table.”
☐ lyre: an ancient stringed instrument that resembles a small harp. “The ancient Greeks played the lyre.”
☐ lyric: the words of a song. “She wrote the lyrics to the song.”
Letter M Words
☐ mare: an adult female horse. “The mare grazed quietly in the field.”
☐ mark: a spot made by a person, typically on paper, with a pen or pencil. “He left a mark on the paper with his pen.”
☐ mass: the amount of matter or substance that makes up an object and has no definite shape. “He learned about the mass of planets in science class.”
☐ mesh: material made of a network of wire or thread. “The mesh bag held all the beach toys.”
☐ mild: gentle in nature or behavior; not spicy. “She prefers mild salsa because it’s not too spicy.”
☐ mill: a building with machinery for grinding grain into flour. “They visited a mill to see how flour was made.”
☐ moat: a deep, wide ditch surrounding a castle, fort, or town, typically filled with water. “They crossed the drawbridge over the moat to enter the castle.”
☐ mule: an animal that is a cross between a donkey and a horse. “The mule carried the supplies up the mountain path.”
Letter N Words
☐ napkin: a piece of cloth or paper used at meals to wipe the mouth and hands. “She used a napkin to clean her face.”
☐ narrow: not wide. “The narrow path led through the woods.”
☐ nature: the physical world including all living things, the land, and the water. “They went on a hike to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.”
☐ neighbor: someone who lives near or next to someone else. “She waved hello to her neighbor who lives across the street.”
☐ nickel: a type of small coin or a metal element. “He found a nickel on the ground.”
☐ niece: a daughter of one’s sibling. “My sister’s name is Erin. Erin’s daughter is Elysse. Elysse is my niece.”
☐ nightgown: a loose dress worn to bed. “She put on her nightgown before bedtime.”
☐ nifty: particularly good or stylish. “He thought his new shoes were nifty.”
☐ ninja: a person skilled in ninjutsu, often shown as having stealth and agility. “The ninja moved silently through the night.”
☐ noisy: making a lot of noise. “The noisy room made it hard to hear.”
☐ normal: usual, typical, or expected. “It was a normal school day.”
☐ north: one of the four main directions on a compass or map; opposite of south. “They traveled north to find cooler weather.”
☐ novel: a longer story written about imaginary characters and events. “She read a novel about ninjas.”
Letter O Words
☐ observe: to watch carefully. “They observe the different birds eating at the bird feeder.”
☐ obstacle: something that gets in your way. “The big rock was an obstacle in their path.”
☐ occur: to happen. “The meeting will occur at noon.”
☐ octagon: a shape that has eight sides. “In school, they learned to draw an octagon.”
☐ octopus: a sea animal with eight long arms. “The octopus can hide by changing its color.”
☐ offer: to present something to someone to accept or reject. “He made an offer to help with the chores.”
☐ omit: to leave out or remove. “She had to omit some details from the story due to time.”
☐ once: one single time. “She has only been there once.”
☐ only: one of its kind; single or solitary. “She is the only one who can help.”
☐ onto: to move to a position that’s on something. “He jumped onto the trampoline.”
☐ orbit: the path one object takes around another. “The Earth is in orbit around the Sun.”
☐ order: to request something to be made or supplied. “She decided to order pizza for dinner.”
☐ organ: a part of the body that has a specific function, like the heart or liver. “The heart is an important organ.”
☐ owner: someone who possesses something. “The dog’s owner took it for a walk.”
Letter P Words
☐ palace: a large and impressive home of a ruler or an important person. “The king lived in a grand palace.”
☐ panic: a sudden feeling of fear that you cannot control. “She felt panic when she lost her way.”
☐ parcel: a package or bundle of items. “The mailman delivered a parcel.”
☐ pardon: the action of forgiving or being forgiven. “He asked for a pardon.”
☐ parrot: a colorful bird known for its ability to mimic sounds. “The parrot said ‘hello’ from its cage.”
☐ pastel: a soft and delicate shade of a color. “She painted the room pastel blue.”
☐ pebble: a small, smooth stone. “She collected a pebble from the beach.”
☐ pedal: a lever pressed by the foot in a machine. “He pushed the pedal on his bike.”
☐ pirate: a person who robs or commits illegal acts at sea. “They dressed as a pirate for Halloween.”
Letter Q Words
☐ quart: a measurement of liquid that equals two pints. “She bought a quart of milk.”
☐ quiet: making little or no noise. “She asked the children to be quiet.”
☐ quench: to put out, end, or satisfy. “A glass of ice water is a great way to quench thirst.”
☐ query: a more formal word for question. “She had a query about the new rules.”
☐ quirky: characterized by peculiar or unexpected traits. “Her quirky sense of humor made everyone laugh.”
☐ quiver: to tremble or shake. “The leaves began to quiver in the wind.”
☐ quota: a limited or fixed number or amount of people or things. “They met their sales quota for the month.”
☐ quote: to repeat or copy a group of words from someone else’s text or speech. “He liked to quote famous authors.”
Letter R Words
☐ radio: a device that receives broadcast signals. “They listened to the news on the radio.”
☐ raise: to lift or move something to a higher position. “She helped raise the flag.”
☐ rate: a measure, quantity, or frequency. “They calculated the rate of growth.”
☐ rattle: a toy that makes noise when shaken. “The baby played with a rattle.”
☐ reach: to stretch out an arm to touch or grab something. “He tried to reach the top shelf.”
☐ ready: prepared mentally or physically. “She was ready for the test.”
☐ rectangle: a four-sided shape with opposite sides of the same length. “He drew a rectangle on the board.”
☐ return: to go back to a place. “They will return home after the trip.”
☐ ripe: a fruit or vegetable that’s fully developed and ready to eat. “The bananas are ripe.”
☐ risk: the possibility of loss or injury. “He took a big risk by pitching in the baseball game with no experience playing the sport.”
☐ round: having a curved shape like a circle. “The table was round.”
Letter S Words
☐ safe: protected from danger or harm. “They wore seatbelts to stay safe while driving.”
☐ said: past tense of the word ‘say’. “We said our names for the teacher.”
☐ scale: a device for weighing. “She used a scale to measure the flour.”
☐ screen: a flat panel on which images are displayed. “They watched a movie on the big screen in the theater.”
☐ seat: something you sit on. “He took a seat by the window.”
☐ sell: to exchange something for money. “They sell fruit at the market.”
☐ serve: to provide food or drink. “They serve pizza at the restaurant.”
☐ skin: the outer layer of a person or animal’s body. “Her skin was wet when she got out of the pool.”
☐ slow: not moving quickly. “The turtle was slow to climb into the pond.”
☐ small: not large in size or amount. “The small dog barked.”
☐ smile: a facial expression showing happiness or amusement. “She gave her grandma a big smile.”
☐ soon: in a short time. “We will arrive soon.”
☐ spend: to use money to buy goods or services. “He likes to spend money on toys for his dog.”
☐ spot: a small roundish mark. “There was a spot on the carpet.”
☐ stand: to be in an upright position on the feet. “Please stand up.”
☐ student: a person who is studying at a school. “The student studied for the exam.”
Letter T Words
☐ table: a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs. “They ate dinner at the table.”
☐ tale: a story. “She told a tale about a brave knight.”
☐ tall: more than average height. “The basketball player is very tall.”
☐ tame: not wild; domesticated. “The horse is tame and friendly.”
☐ task: a piece of work to be done. “Her task is to clean her room.”
☐ taste: the flavor of something. “She likes the taste of chocolate.”
☐ taxi: a car that you pay to take you somewhere. “They took a taxi to the hotel.”
☐ tear: to pull apart or into pieces. “Tear the paper into small pieces for the art project.”
☐ tell: to give information by speaking. “He will tell you where to put your lunch box.”
☐ test: a way to measure knowledge or ability. “She studied for the math test.”
☐ their: belonging to them. “Their car is parked outside.”
☐ they’re: contraction of “they are.” “They’re going to the movies tonight.”
☐ thing: a word used in place of an object’s name. “Please hand me that thing on the table.”
☐ time: the measurement of how long something takes to happen; a way to determine what period of the day it is. “She checked the time on her watch.”
☐ toy: an object for children to play with. “She received a new toy for her birthday.”
Letter U Words
☐ uncle: the brother of one’s parent. “My dad’s brother is named Bob. Bob is my uncle.”
☐ unfair: not fair. “It was unfair that he got more candy.”
☐ unicorn: a fairytale animal that looks like a horse with a single horn on its forehead. “The storybook featured a beautiful unicorn.”
☐ unit: a single, complete thing that is part of a larger whole. “There are four units we will study for science this week.”
☐ unknown: not known or familiar. “The path through the forest led to an unknown place.”
☐ unlock: to open something locked. “She unlocked the door with her key.”
☐ useful: able to be used for a purpose. “Her key was very useful in unlocking the door.”
Letter V Words
☐ vast: very large in size or amount. “The desert is vast and filled with sand.”
☐ veil: a piece of fine material worn to cover the face. “The bride wore a veil over her face on her wedding day.”
☐ verse: a line of poetry or a section of a song. “She wrote a verse for the song.”
☐ view: the ability to see something. “The view from the mountain is spectacular.”
☐ visit: to go and spend time with someone. “They went to visit their grandparents.”
☐ voice: the sound that people make when they speak or sing. “Her voice is very calming to hear.”
Letter W Words
☐ water: a clear liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is used for drinking, watching, and more. “He drank a glass of water.”
☐ way: a method of doing something. “She has a unique way of painting.”
☐ weight: the heaviness of something. “The weight of the box made it heavy to lift.”
☐ well: in a good or satisfactory way. “He performed well on the test.”
☐ while: during the time that. “She read a book while waiting.”
☐ whole: all of something. “He ate the whole carrot.”
☐ wide: having a large area from side to side. “The river is very wide here.”
☐ will: expressing future tense or intention. “He will go to the store tomorrow.”
☐ with: accompanied by. “She went to the party with her friends.”
☐ woo: to seek the affection or love of someone. “He tried to woo her with flowers.”
☐ worth: the value of something. “The painting is worth a lot of money.”
☐ would: indicating willingness or possibility. “She would help if she could.”
☐ wreck: to destroy or damage something. “The storm wrecked the ship.”
☐ was: past tense of “is” or “am.” “He was at the park yesterday.”
Words with Letter X
☐ taxi: a car that you pay to take you somewhere. “They took a taxi to the airport.”
☐ text: written or printed words. “He read the text on the screen.”
☐ extra: more than is usual or necessary. “She asked for extra help.”
☐ relax: to rest and become less tense. “She likes to relax after a long day.”
☐ x-ray: a type of radiation used for medical imaging. “The doctor took an x-ray of her arm.”
☐ xylitol: a sugar alcohol used as a sweetener. “Xylitol is often found in sugar-free gum.”
☐ xylophone: a musical instrument with wooden bars. “She played a tune on the xylophone.”
Letter Y Words
☐ yard: an area of land next to a building or home. “The children played in the yard.”
☐ year: a period of 365 days. “The last day of the year is December 31st.”
☐ yellow: the color between green and orange in the spectrum. “She wore a bright yellow dress.”
☐ yoke: a wooden beam used to pair animals together. “The oxen were harnessed with a yoke before plowing the field.”
☐ yolk: the yellow part of an egg. “She separated the egg yolk from the white.”
☐ yesterday: the day before today. “Yesterday was sunny and warm.”
☐ youth: the time of life when someone is young. “He spent his youth in the countryside.”
Letter Z Words
☐ zillion: an extremely large number. “He has a zillion ideas.”
☐ zoomies: sudden bursts of energy in pets, especially dogs and cats, where they run around wildly. “The dog had the zoomies after his bath and ran around the house.”
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