60 Rhyming Riddles for Kids (Free Printable List)
Riddles are even more fun when they rhyme! See who can solve them in the shortest time!
Kids of all ages love a good riddle, and they get even more fun when paired with rhyming words. Our collection of rhyming riddles are designed to delight young children in preschool through second grade, but we think older siblings and adults will enjoy trying to solve them too.
We’ve sorted them by age, starting simple for toddlers and growing more complex for early elementary students. You’ll also find rhyming riddles about animals, nature, and food. How many rhyming riddles can you guess correctly?
Tip: Rhyming riddles are a fun way to grow familiarity with sound patterns and boost vocabulary and reasoning skills.
Rhyming Riddles for Toddlers (Ages 2-3)
What is red and round
and can be eaten as pie or by the pound?
- Answer: Apple
I’m a sunny color you can see,
just think of a lemon or a buzzing bee.
- Answer: Yellow
I have a tail, and I say “meow“
you might have one for a pet right now.
- Answer: Cat
I’m a shape with three sides,
Count them and see!
What shape could I possibly be?
- Answer: Triangle
Fluffy and white, up in the sky,
I look like cotton as I go by.
- Answer: Cloud
I have a long trunk and am big and gray,
In the savannah is where I typically stay.
- Answer: Elephant
I’m a color seen in the sky,
especially after rain goes by.
- Answer: Blue
This shape has four equal sides,
like a box but in disguise.
- Answer: Square
I go ‘choo choo’ with all my might,
along the tracks from day to night.
- Answer: Train
I bark but don’t bite,
with me, you’ll play fetch at first light.
- Answer: Dog
I’m the color of grass you see,
and the leaves,
no matter how high they be.
- Answer: Green
With long ears I hop around,
on Easter, I’m often found.
- Answer: Bunny
Bright in the sky, I warm your day,
rise in the east, in the west I’ll lay.
- Answer: Sun
Orange and crunchy, I help you see,
I’m a healthy snack, what could I be?
- Answer: Carrot
Rhyming Riddles for Preschoolers (Ages 4-5)
I’m not a bird, but I can fly
through the sky, I soar so high.
- Answer: Plane
Turn me on when it’s dark at night
I’ll glow so bright and give you light.
- Answer: Lamp
Here’s a rhyme about
A tool to tell time
It can tell you if
You’re late but
Won’t give you the date.
- Answer: Clock
I’m filled with flowers
And sometimes weeds.
You get me started
With simple seeds.
- Answer: Garden
You walk on me
To get around.
Sometimes I creek
That’s my only sound.
- Answer: Floor
I have an eye but cannot see.
You’ll also find a hole in me.
- Answer: Needle
I’m fully feathered and like to crow,
waking you up at the morning glow.
- Answer: Rooster
They appear without a call at night,
and vanish by day, out of sight.
- Answer: Stars
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Rhyming Riddles for Early Elementary (Ages 6-8)
I am a shape,
and my four sides are the same,
what am I called, do you know my name?
- Answer: Square
I flutter around with colorful flair,
find me in gardens floating in air.
- Answer: Butterfly
I wear a yellow jacket
that comes in a peel,
eat me for breakfast,
see how you feel.
- Answer: Banana
I’m not alive but I can grow.
I don’t have lungs but I need air to flow.
- Answer: Fire
Flip me up and then there’s light
Flip me down and then it’s night
What am I?
- Answer: Light Switch
I help you learn, I help you grow,
I share new things you need to know.
With books and lessons, day by day,
Who am I? What do you say?
- Answer: Teacher
I dance and flicker, bright and tall,
But if you touch, I’ll burn—that’s all.
I warm the night and light the way,
What am I? Can you say?
- Answer: Fire
I flow and splash, I’m cool and blue,
I fill the sky with drops of dew.
You’ll find me in a stream or sea,
What am I? Can you guess me?
- Answer: Water
I come in pairs,
And sometimes get stares.
I’m worn with laces or without,
I help you walk, I help you run,
What am I? Guess this one!
- Answer: Shoes
I’m at the end of time and space
and always finish the race.
What am I?
- Answer: The letter E
I have a roof and a door so wide,
A place where you can sleep inside.
With rooms to play and eat and rest,
Sometimes I even see a guest.
What am I?
- Answer: A house
I have four wheels and a seat inside,
Turn the key and take a ride.
I zoom down roads, both near and far,
What am I? I’m a…?
- Answer: Car
I grow in gardens, green or red,
Some grow above, some in the bed.
I’m healthy, crunchy, good for you,
What am I? Do you have a clue?
- Answer: Vegetable
I have a screen, both big and small,
Watch shows and movies—
I’ve got them all.
With just a click, you’ll see with glee,
What am I? I’m a…?
- Answer: TV
I shine bright after rain is done,
With colors glowing in the sun.
I arc across the sky so high,
What am I that paints the sky?
- Answer: Rainbow
I whirr and roar as I clean the floor,
I suck up dust and so much more.
Push me around, I’ll do the trick,
What am I? Guess me quick!
- Answer: Vacuum
I swim in water, not on land,
With fins and gills—not feet or hands.
In oceans, lakes, or in a tank,
What am I?
- Answer: A fish
At the table for the night
With forks and plates set just right
To fill your tummy
And hope you say ‘yummy.’
What am I?
- Answer: Dinner
You look at me,
But it’s you that you see
I shine everything back
And always hope I don’t crack.
What am I?
- Answer: A mirror
I have a heart that doesn’t beat,
yet still I keep my form;
I’m green when fresh,
delicious when warm.
What am I?
- Answer: Artichoke
Rhyming Riddles About Animals
I have a trunk,
but I’m not a tree,
With big, strong legs,
I walk so free.
What am I?
- Answer: Elephant
I purr and stretch,
I like to nap,
I chase a mouse
and curl in your lap.
What am I?
- Answer: Cat
I hop and leap,
I’m small and green,
In ponds and lakes,
I’m often seen.
What am I?
- Answer: Frog
I fly at night with wings so wide,
Through the dark,
I swoop and glide.
What am I?
- Answer: Bat
I have eight legs
and spin a thread,
In corners,
I weave my web.
What am I?
- Answer: Spider
My shell is home,
I move so slow,
Through grass and dirt,
I like to go.
What am I?
- Answer: Turtle
Rhyming Riddles About Food
I’m cheesy, round,
and baked just right,
With toppings stacked
A tasty sight!
What am I?
- Answer: Pizza
I’m cold and sweet,
A summer treat,
In a cone or cup,
I’m fun to eat!
What am I?
- Answer: Ice Cream
I have a hole and a sugary glaze,
With sprinkles or chocolate,
I’m sure to amaze!
What am I?
- Answer: Doughnut
I’m small and red
With seeds so bright,
I taste so sweet
One juicy bite!
What am I?
- Answer: Strawberry
Golden and crispy,
thin or wide,
I taste best when I’m fried.
What am I?
- Answer: French Fries
I’m yellow inside,
My peel is bright,
Monkeys love me
Take a bite!
What am I?
- Answer: Banana
Rhyming Riddles About Nature
I stand up tall
With leaves so green,
In forests and parks,
I can be seen.
What am I?
- Answer: Tree
I bloom with colors,
Bright and sweet,
With petals soft and
Scent so neat.
What am I?
- Answer: Flower
I twist and turn
As I flow along,
Through valleys and hills,
I sing my song.
What am I?
- Answer: River
I’m big and wide,
But not the sea,
Fish and boats
Can visit me.
What am I?
- Answer: Lake
I’m full of plants
And creatures too,
With towering trees
And skies so blue.
What am I?
- Answer: Forest
More Riddle Fun!
For even more giggles and brain-teasing fun, be sure to explore our main collection of Fun Riddles for Kids! This comprehensive post features a wide array of riddles designed to entertain and challenge young minds across all seasons.
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