300+ Riddles for Kids (Printable With or Without Answers)
These riddles are sure to have kids of all ages pondering answers in between their giggles.
Whether you’re looking to spark laughter with funny riddles, challenge young minds with tricky or hard riddles, or enjoy some easy and silly brain teasers, we’ve got you covered. Our collection of riddles is designed for all ages and aims to bring a smile to every child’s face.
Riddles are a fantastic way to engage children’s curiosity, enhance their problem-solving skills, encourage creative thinking, and provide endless entertainment. These free printable riddles for kids come with and without answers to suit your preferences. Try them at home, with friends, or in the car or classroom. We recommend taking turns with your child to ask and answer the riddles, and try not to peek at the answers until everyone has had a turn to guess!
Easy Riddles for Kids
What has keys but can’t open locks?
- A piano.
What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?
- A clock.
What has a neck but no head?
- A bottle.
What gets wetter as it dries?
- A towel.
What goes up but never comes down?
- Your age.
What has one eye but can’t see?
- A needle.
What has a head and a tail, is brown, and has no legs?
- A penny.
What has an end but no beginning, a home but no family, and a space without a room?
- A keyboard.
What runs but never walks?
- Water.
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
- A stamp.
What is full of holes but still holds water?
- A sponge.
What has words but never speaks?
- A book.
What has four wheels and flies?
- A garbage truck.
What has a heart that doesn’t beat?
- An artichoke.
What has ears but can’t hear?
- Corn.
What has cities but no houses, forests but no trees, and rivers but no water?
- A map.
What building has the most stories?
- The library.
What can you catch but not throw?
- A cold.
What has a ring but no finger?
- A telephone.
What is as light as a feather, yet the strongest man can’t hold it for more than 5 minutes?
- Your breath.
What is always in front of you but can’t be seen?
- The future.
What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
- The letter ‘M.’
What begins with T, ends with T, and has T in it?
- A teapot.
What is so fragile that saying its name breaks it?
- Silence.
What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?
- A palm.
What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?
- A chalkboard.
What can you hold in your left hand but not in your right?
- Your right elbow.
What comes down but never goes up?
- Rain.
What has legs but doesn’t walk?
- A table.
What can you keep after giving it to someone?
- Your word.
What has a bottom at the top?
- Your legs.
What belongs to you but other people use it more than you?
- Your name.
What can fill a room but takes up no space?
- Light.
What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?
- Trouble.
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks, has a head but never weeps, and has a bed but never sleeps?
- A river.
What has a bark but no bite?
- A tree.
What is tall when it’s young and short when it’s old?
- A candle.
What is the longest word in the dictionary?
- Smiles, because there’s a mile between the first and last letters.
What has a spine but no bones?
- A book.
What can you see once in a year, twice in a week, but never in a day?
- The letter ‘E.’
What goes through cities and fields, but never moves?
- A road.
What is cut on a table but is never eaten?
- A deck of cards.
What kind of band never plays music?
- A rubber band.
What kind of room has no doors or windows?
- A mushroom.
What begins with an E, ends with an E, but only contains one letter?
- An envelope.
What kind of coat can you only put on when it’s wet?
- A coat of paint.
What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has thousands of letters?
- A post office.
What gets sharper the more you use it?
- Your brain.
What has 13 hearts but no other organs?
- A deck of cards.
What goes up and down but doesn’t move?
- A staircase.
What’s full of holes but still holds water?
- A sponge.
What goes up when the rain comes down?
- An umbrella.
What can you hold without ever touching?
- A conversation.
What has a head, and a tail, but no body?
- A coin.
What has four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive?
- A glove.
What has a bed but doesn’t sleep, and a mouth but doesn’t eat?
- A river.
Print Easy Riddles
Funny Riddles for Kids
What has many teeth but can’t bite?
- A comb.
What has lots of eyes, but can’t see?
- A potato.
Why was the broom late?
- It swept in.
What can be cracked, made, told, and played?
- A joke.
Why can’t your nose be 12 inches long?
- Because then it would be a foot.
What word is spelled incorrectly in every dictionary?
- Incorrectly.
Why did the student eat his homework?
- Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.
Why did the scarecrow win an award?
- Because he was outstanding in his field.
Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?
- In case he got a hole in one.
Why did the banana go to the doctor?
- Because it wasn’t peeling well.
What has one head, one foot, and four legs?
- A bed.
Why did the computer go to the doctor?
- Because it had a virus.
What did one ocean say to the other ocean?
- Nothing, they just waved.
Why did the tomato turn red?
- Because it saw the salad dressing.
Why did the melon jump into the lake?
- It wanted to be a watermelon.
Why did the bicycle fall over?
- Because it was two-tired.
What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
- Nacho cheese.
What do you call a fake noodle?
- An impasta.
What did one plate say to the other?
- Lunch is on me.
What is black and white and read all over?
- A newspaper.
Why was the soccer stadium so cool?
- It had a lot of fans.
Why don’t scientists trust atoms?
- Because they make up everything.
Why can’t you give Elsa a balloon?
- Because she will let it go.
Why was the math book sad?
- It had too many problems.
What did one wall say to the other wall?
- I’ll meet you at the corner.
Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
- Because they might crack up.
What is brown and sticky?
- A stick
Print Funny Riddles for Kids
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Animal Riddles for Kids
What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck?
- Milk and quackers.
What do you call a bear with no teeth?
- A gummy bear.
What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary?
- A thesaurus.
What do you call a fish without eyes?
- Fsh.
Why do ducks have feathers?
- To cover their quacks.
What do you call a sleeping bull?
- A bulldozer.
What animal is always at a baseball game?
- A bat.
Why are teddy bears never hungry?
- Because they are always stuffed.
What animal can jump higher than a house?
- All animals. Houses can’t jump.
Why don’t elephants use computers?
- Because they’re afraid of the mouse.
Why are fish so smart?
- Because they live in schools.
Why did the cow go to space?
- To see the moooon.
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
- An investigator.
Why don’t crabs give to charity?
- Because they’re shellfish.
Why did the lion eat the tightrope walker?
- He wanted a well-balanced meal.
What do you call a cow with no legs?
- Ground beef.
Why did the duck cross the road?
- Because it was the chicken’s day off.
Why don’t seagulls fly over the bay?
- Because then they’d be bay-gulls (bagels).
What do you get when you cross a sheep and a kangaroo?
- A woolly jumper.
What’s a cat’s favorite color?
- Purr-ple.
Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?
- Because they lactose.
What do you call a dog magician?
- A labracadabrador.
Why are frogs so happy?
- Because they eat whatever bugs them.
Why don’t ants get sick?
- Because they have tiny ant-bodies.
What do you call a pig that knows karate?
- A pork chop.
Why did the horse chew with its mouth open?
- Because it had bad stable manners.
What do you get if you cross a fish and an elephant?
- Swimming trunks.
Why did the chicken join the band?
- Because it had the drumsticks.
What do you call a cold dog?
- A chili dog.
Why did the owl invite his friends over?
- Because he didn’t want to be owl by himself.
What do you call a sleeping dinosaur?
- A dino-snore.
Why did the snake cross the road?
- To hiss at the car.
What do you get when you cross a snowman and a dog?
- Frostbite.
What animal needs to wear a wig?
- A bald eagle.
What did the buffalo say to his son when he left for college?
- Bison.
Why don’t sheep go to school?
- Because they’re baaaaad students.
What do you call a lazy kangaroo?
- A pouch potato.
Why did the scarecrow become a successful neurosurgeon?
- Because he was outstanding in his field.
What has a horn but does not honk?
- A rhinoceros.
What is orange and sounds like a parrot?
- A carrot.
Print Animal Riddles for Kids
Tricky or Hard Riddles for Kids
I am not alive, but I can grow; I don’t have eyes, but I can cry. What am I?
- A cloud.
If you drop me I’m sure to crack, but give me a smile and I’ll always smile back.
- Mirror
I can be deep or shallow, but I always reflect. What am I?
- A pond.
I can be as small as a grain or as big as a mountain. I come in many forms but always melt in the heat. What am I?
- Ice.
I can be high or low, but I can never be tall. What am I?
- A tide.
I can be full of letters, but I’m not a book. I have stamps, but I’m not a passport. What am I?
- A mailbox.
I can be driven, but have no wheels. I can be sliced, but stay whole. What am I?
- A golf ball.
I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?
- An echo.
I can be a story or a fact, but I am always told. I can change lives, but I am not a person. What am I?
- News.
I can bring back the dead and make you cry. I form in your head, but I’m not a lie. What am I?
- A memory.
You measure my life in hours and I serve you by expiring. I’m quick when I’m thin and slow when I’m fat. The wind is my enemy. What am I?
- A candle.
What is seen in the middle of March and April that can’t be seen at the beginning or end of either month?
The letter R.
You see a boat filled with people, yet there isn’t a single person on board. How is that possible?
- All the people were married.
You see me once in June, twice in November, and not at all in May. What am I?
- The letter E.
The more of this there is, the less you see. What is it?
- Darkness.
I have branches, but no fruit, trunk, or leaves. What am I?
- A bank.
I am not alive, but I grow; I don’t have lungs, but I need air; I don’t have a mouth, but water kills me. What am I?
- Fire.
What breaks yet never falls, and what falls yet never breaks?
- Day and night.
What can’t talk but will reply when spoken to?
- An echo.
A man who was outside in the rain without an umbrella or hat didn’t get a single hair on his head wet. Why?
- He was bald.
Print Tricky Riddles for Kids
Holiday Themed Riddles for Kids
From the spooky puzzles of Halloween to the sweet mysteries of Valentine’s Day, each riddle is tailored to capture the essence of various holidays throughout the year.
Gather around with family and friends and get ready to solve these delightful brain teasers that are sure to add an extra sprinkle of festive cheer to your holiday celebrations. Perfect for classroom activities, holiday parties, or cozy family game nights—our riddles are here to make every holiday a little more memorable.
Valentines Day Riddles
Valentine’s Day riddles bring a touch of whimsy and warmth to this celebration of love, challenging kids and adults alike to solve sweet puzzles that charm the heart.
Thanksgiving Riddles
Thanksgiving riddles serve up a feast of fun, offering playful puzzles that bring laughter and joy to your holiday gathering.