Second Grade Vocabulary Words Worksheets
Expanding your child’s vocabulary can improve their reading and spelling skills, and these second grade vocabulary worksheets are designed to grow the list of words your child recognizes and understands.
These worksheets focus on introducing second grade vocabulary words to your child. Some may be new words for your child, while others will act as review. You’ll also find vocabulary practice that doubles as homophone worksheets, as well comparison words and words that include prefixes and suffixes.
Overview of the Second Grade Vocabulary Words Worksheets
Children will enjoy learning new vocabulary words as they work on word searches, crossword puzzles, search-and-find sheets, sentence writing worksheets, and so much more. Several worksheets also include vocabulary words related to social studies, habitats, and more, creating an opportunity to pair vocabulary practice with other subjects. Children learn at their own pace, so pick and choose the worksheets that you think will work best for your child.
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Activities to Extend Learning with Your Second Grade Vocabulary Words Worksheets
Recommended for: Second Grade
⭐ Create Your Own Dictionary
Together with your child, create a small dictionary or glossary of new vocabulary words they’ve learned, including definitions and sentences using the words. This activity can be ongoing, adding new words as they learn them.
⭐ Story Challenge
Select several words from your child’s vocabulary worksheets and write them on a list. Challenge your child to come up with a short story that uses the vocabulary words in the correct context. You can have your child tell the story aloud or write it down.
⭐ Word Creation
Build on the worksheets that cover prefixes and suffixes by creating a list of new words that use prefixes and suffixes. Write this new list in the margins of the prefix and suffix worksheets. You can do a similar activity on the worksheets covering comparison words and compound words.
More Second Grade Language Arts Worksheets
Get more writing worksheets and dig into reading, and spelling with the following worksheets and printable spelling lists for your second grader.