Short O Words for Kids (Free Printable List)
Our printable list of short ‘O’ words features word families, sight words, CVC words, and so much more.
Help children grow their understanding of the short ‘O’ sound with these lists of short ‘O’ words. These short ‘O’ word lists can also help expand their vocabulary, practice with word families, letter blends, digraphs, and sight words.
Our collection of short ‘O’ word lists are free downloadable PDFs and include CVC words with the short ‘O’ sound, word family words with the short ‘O’ sound, short ‘O’ words with letter blends, and more. Each list is carefully crafted to provide a variety of words that will help young learners master the short ‘O’ sound.
Pick and choose the words you feel are appropriate for your child, and remember that these list can be used to familiarize your child with the short ‘O’ sound and short ‘O’ words, as a vocabulary list, or as a spelling list.
These short ‘O’ word lists include some short ‘O’ words used in a simple sentence to help your child better understand its meaning. Further enhance learning the short ‘O’ sound with our engaging activities listed at the bottom of the page.
What is the Short O Sound?
The short ‘O’ sound is pronounced “ah.” It’s often heard in the middle of words, like cot and hop, and you can also hear it at the start of some words, like octopus.
Short ‘O’ Sound
Long ‘O’ Sound
Short O Word Lists
You’ll find a list of the short ‘O’ word lists with word families, short ‘O’ sight words, and common short ‘O’ words used in sentences.
Short O Words with Word Families
These free printable short ‘O’ word lists feature simple short ‘O’ words with -ot, -og, -od, -om, -on, -ob, -ob, and -ox.
Short O Words Ending in -ot:
dot | got | hot | lot |
not | pot | rot | tot |
cot | jot | plot | spot |
blot |
Short O Words Ending in -og:
bog | dog | fog | hog |
jog | log | cog | frog |
smog | slog |
Short O Words Ending in -od:
cod | nod | pod | rod |
sod | odd | mod |
Short O Words Ending in -om:
mom | Tom | blossom | venom |
Short O Words Ending in -op:
hop | mop | pop | top |
cop | shop | stop | drop |
flop | plop |
Short O Words Ending in -on:
Don | Ron | con | lemon |
bacon | dragon |
Short O Words Ending in -ob:
Rob | Bob | cob | job |
sob | mob | blob | knob |
lob |
Short O Words Ending in -ox:
box | fox |
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Short O Word Sight Words
Sight words are becoming better known as high-frequency words, or the words that are most commonly found in print. When teaching children high-frequency words, call their attention to the letters and sounds in each word, breaking the word apart phonetically when possible.
Some sight words are considered irregular words, meaning they contain one or more letters or letter combinations that are not pronounced in a typical way, such as the “s” in has that sounds more like /z/ than /s/. Spend some extra time on these irregular words, as it can take longer to master these nuances.
Examples of Short O Sight Words:
Short O CVC (Consonant-Vowel-Consonant) Words:
dog | bog | fog | log | hog |
jog | cog | mob | job | rod |
nod | pod | sod | cod | mod |
hot | lot | not | pot | rot |
tot | cot | jot |
Short O Words with Beginning Blends:
blob | clog | frog | smog | slog |
plot | blot | crop | drop | flop |
plop | prop | stop | shop | clot |
slot |
Short O Words with Ending Consonant Blends:
pond | fond | bond | blond | beyond |
front | prompt | stomp | frost | cost |
lost | most | ghost |
Consonant blends are composed of two or three letters that make a new, unique sound when put together. For example, -st in jest is a two-letter consonant blend. Use these free consonant blend worksheets for first graders and second graders to help grow your child’s understanding of them.
Short O Words with Digraphs:
chop | shop | shot | shock | smock |
flock | block | chock | shod | shog |
slosh | throb |
Digraphs are a pair of letters that make a single sound, such as sh-, ch-, and th- and can appear at the beginning or ending or words. Give your child more practice with these digraph worksheets for first graders.
Short O Words Used in Sentences
dog – The dog ran around the yard.
log – He carved his name into the log.
top – The top of the mountain was covered in snow.
hot – The coffee was too hot to drink.
not – It is not a good idea to go out in the rain.
pot – The pot boiled over on the stove.
job – She loves her job at the library.
sob – He began to sob when he lost his toy.
rod – The rod was bent from the heavy fish.
box – She kept her treasures in a small box.
Short O Words Activities
Additional Resources
ABCmouse has educational resources for children aged 2-8, as well as resources to help parents and teachers.
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