85+ Spring Jokes for Kids (Free Printables!)
Brighten up the rainy season with silly jokes devoted to spring vacations, animals, and more. Plus, you can print them out for free!
Spring is here–fill it with sunshine and laughter with these giggle-worthy jokes! Whether you’re traveling and need something to pass the time or just looking for a few silly laughs at home, this list of spring-themed jokes and riddles is sure to bring smiles. From blooming flowers and buzzing bees to rainy days and playful animals, these jokes and riddles are perfect for kids (and grown-ups who love a good joke, too)!
Jokes About Spring
Does February like March?
No, but April May.
Why was the broom late for the spring cleaning?
It over swept.
How do you tell someone winter is over?
You spring it on them.
Why is spring cleaning tricky?
Because it’s so bouncy.
How do you create a pool that bounces?
By adding spring water!
What did the drizzle say when it didn’t hit the plants?
I just mist.
How does spring end?
With a G.
What do you call a group of rain drops hanging out?
A puddle.
Why is April the cleanest month?
Because of all the showers.
Why was the lamb sad during spring break?
He wanted to go to the Baaa-hamas.
What is a king’s favorite kind of weather?
What’s the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls?
The season-ings!
What do clouds wear when they’re trying to look nice?
A rain-bow.
How does the sun listen to its favorite music?
On the ray-dio.
What does a cloud wear under its raincoat?
Where is the funniest place to visit on spring break?
The mountains–they’re hilly-arious.
Why is spring cleaning tricky?
Because it’s so bouncy.
What games do tornadoes like to play?
When is the best time of year to use a trampoline?
In the spring.
What do you call an emergency in spring?
May Day.
Why do umbrellas make good friends?
They’ve always got you covered.
When does it rain money?
When there’s a change in the weather.
Did you see that all the snow and ice are melting?
Yes, I thaw!
Do you know about April 1st?
Yes, I’m fooly aware.
Why are cows always on the go during spring break?
They need to get moo-ving.
What monster plays the most April Fool’s jokes?
What did one raindrop say to the other?
Two’s company, three’s a cloud!
Why is everyone so tired on April 1st?
Because they just finished a 31 day March.
Spring Jokes About Nature
How do you know if flowers are friendly?
Check to see if they have a lot of buds!
What’s the best place to grow flowers in school?
In kinder-garden.
Why were the two little seeds inseparable?
They were mint to be.
What kind of garden does a baker love in spring?
A flour garden.
What did the tulip say to the daffodil during the race?
I’m going to put my petal to the metal.
What do you call a tulip that blooms at night?
A lightbulb.
Every herb garden has a favorite singer. Who is it?
Elvis Parsley
How excited was the gardener about spring?
So excited he wet his plants.
What kind of socks does a gardener wear?
Garden hose.
Why are trees naturally so forgiving?
Because every spring, they turn over a new leaf.
Why couldn’t the flower ride its bike?
It lost all of its petals.
What kind of bean never grows in a garden?
A jelly bean.
Why did the farmer bury coins in the soil before planting his crop?
To make his soil rich!
What gift does April bring May?
What is a dandelion wedding called?
A weeding.
What did the tree say to spring when it arrived?
What a re-leaf to have you here!
What did the gardener say to the plant that flowered last?
Last bud not least.
Why is a mushroom always the life of the party?
Because it’s a fun-gi
What did the bean say to the sprout?
Grow up!
What did the herb garden say to the spring?
Long thyme, no see!
Why are flowers often late?
They have a hard time leaving their beds.
Why should you plant bulbs?
So worms can see where they are going!
Spring Jokes About Animals
What do you call a deer who likes playing in the rain?
A reindeer.
What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
Bugs Bunny.
What do you call a grizzly bear who wakes up in the rain?
A Drizzly Bear.
What’s a chicken’s favorite vegetable?
Why are frogs such good gardeners?
Because they have a green thumb.
What do you call it when it starts raining ducks and chickens?
Fowl weather.
Why shouldn’t you give birds as a gift?
They cheep.
What do bees wear on rainy days?
Yellow jackets.
What bird should you never take to the bank?
A robin.
Why did the worm cross the ruler?
To become an inchworm.
When do monkeys fall from the sky?
During ape-ril showers.
Why do hens lay eggs?
If they dropped them, they’d break.
What’s the best type of dog to own in March, April, and May?
A spring-er spaniel.
Spring Knock-Knock Jokes
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Beezer who?
Beezer buzzing; it must be spring.
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Alpaca who?
Alpaca my bags for spring break
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Rain who?
You’re not going to tell me to go away and come again another day, are you?
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Butter who?
Butter bring an umbrella, it’s raining!
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
Lilac who?
I lilac spring a lot.
Knock knock.
Who’s there?
May who?
May I tell you a joke?
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
March who?
Bless you!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Bunny who?
Bunny you should ask!
Knock, knock!
Who’s there?
Water who?
Water you doing for spring break?
Spring Riddles
Name a bow that can’t be tied.
A rainbow.
Which month of the year is the shortest?
May – it only has three letters.
What always goes up when rain comes down?
There is a country that’s named after a flower and the fact that its residents only drive pink cars. What’s the name of the country?
Pink Car-Nation
What falls, but never needs a bandage?
The rain.
A mama bunny has 2 daughters. Each daughter has a brother. How many children does the mama bunny have?
She has 2 daughters and 1 son for a total of 3 kids.
Which superhero likes spring the best?
What’s the best type of flower for a boy to give his parents?
A son-flower.
This is a flower that sounds like it belongs on your face. What is it?
If you crossed a popular spring flower with a pickle, what would you get?
When is it impossible to plant spring flowers?
When you haven’t botany.
I fall, but I don’t get hurt. I pour, but I’m not a jug. I help plants grow, but I’m not the sun. What am I?
I have two legs and feathers bright,
I peck the ground from left to right.
I lay some eggs, I cluck all day,
On the farm is where I stay!
What am I?
A chicken.
I hop around, both fast and light,
With ears so long and fur so white.
I love to munch on carrots sweet,
What am I? I’m quick on my feet!
A rabbit.
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