Winter Words for Kids (Free Printable Lists)
Celebrate the chilly weather, cozy moments, and snowy activities of the season with this winter word list for kids.
Table of Contents
Welcome to a wonderland of winter words! From soft blankets and hot cocoa to snowy weather and playful winter animals, these words capture everything we love and endure during wintertime.
This list is designed to help children grow their vocabulary, practice spelling, and discover new words as they celebrate this frosty season. These words can also help inspire children to reflect on what brings them warmth and joy during colder seasons. With words for winter clothing, favorite seasonal foods, cold-weather animals, and more, kids will be ready to celebrate all that winter has to offer!
By connecting new words with the activities and experiences children enjoy, such as winter, they are often more likely to retain and use them.
Winter Words with Simple Definitions
Some of the words on this list may be unfamiliar to children. Here are some basic definitions to help them learn what they mean.
balaclava–a warm, close-fitting hat that covers the head, neck, and sometimes the face; used to stay warm in cold weather.
beanie–a small, soft hat that fits closely to the head, often worn in winter.
black ice–a thin layer of ice on roads that is very slippery and hard to see.
ermine–a small animal with white fur in winter; it looks like a weasel and lives in cold areas.
flannel–a soft, warm fabric, often used for winter clothes, blankets, and pajamas.
hearth–the floor of a fireplace; it’s where the fire burns, and people gather around it to stay warm.
nor’easter–a strong storm with wind, rain, or snow that comes from the northeast; common in winter.
parka–a thick, warm jacket with a hood, often used in very cold weather.
plum pudding–a traditional holiday dessert made with dried fruits and spices, popular in winter.
quilted–a type of fabric that has layers sewn together in a pattern to make it warm and cozy.
snow squall–a sudden, intense burst of snow and wind that makes it hard to see.
toboggan–a long, flat-bottomed, lightweight sled with a curved front that’s used for sliding down snow and ice.
vortex–a spinning mass of air, often very cold, that can bring chilly weather.
whiteout–when snow and wind make it hard to see anything because everything looks white.
Winter Word Lists
To help your child further expand their vocabulary and familiarity with winter words, we’ve compiled extensive lists of words that are often associated with the season. These lists are categorized to make it easier for you to introduce new words in an organized manner.
Printable Winter Words by Category
Cozy Words
blanket | comfort | cuddle | family |
fireplace | flannel | fuzzy | hearth |
quilted | snuggle | soft | toasty |
warmth |
Winter Weather Words
below zero | bitter cold | black ice | blizzard |
blowing snow | chilly | cold | cold snap |
drift | flurry | frigid | freezing |
freezing rain | frost | frostbite | gray clouds |
gusty | hail | heavy snow | icy |
nor’easter | sleet | snowflake | snowstorm |
snow squall | vortex | whiteout | windy |
Winter Clothing Words
balaclava | beanie | boots | earmuffs |
gloves | hat | hoodies | leg warmers |
long underwear | mittens | parka | puffer jacket |
scarf | snow pants | snowsuit | sweater |
Winter Food Words
candy cane | chestnuts | cider | cookies |
cranberry | eggnog | fruitcake | gingerbread |
hot chocolate | peppermint | plum pudding |
Winter Activities
hiking | ice fishing | ice skating | sledding |
skiing | snowball fight | snowshoeing | tobogganing |
Winter Animals
arctic hare | arctic fox | caribou | ermine |
musk ox | penguin | polar bear | reindeer |
seal | snowy owl | walrus |
Winter Holidays
Boxing Day | Christmas | Hanukkah | Kwanzaa |
New Year’s Eve | Three Kings Day | Winter Solstice | Valentine’s Day |
Winter Nature Words
evergreen | fir tree | frosted | glacier |
holly | iceberg | mistletoe | pinecone |
poinsettia | snowdrift |
Descriptive Winter Words
bitter | brisk | chilly | crisp |
frigid | frosty | glistening | nippy |
sparkling | wintry |
Winter Sports
bobsledding | cross-country skiing | curling | dog sledding |
downhill skiing | figure skating | hockey | ice climbing |
luge | snowboarding | snowmobiling |
Other Winter Words
arctic animals | cabin fever | fort (snow) | ice scraper |
ice sculptures | inclement weather | indoors | jack frost |
knee-deep | knitting | rink (skating/hockey rink) | ski slopes |
snow angles | snow blower | snow fence | snow removal |
snow shovel | vacation | Winter Olympics | winter tires |
sleet | snowflake | snowstorm | snow squall |
wool |
Winter Word Lists by Letter
These free printable winter word lists can be used for various activities such as spelling practice, vocabulary exercises, and creative writing prompts.
List of Winter Words (A-Z)
Letter A Winter Words
arctic animals | arctic fox | arctic hare |
Letter B Winter Words
balaclava | beanie | below zero | bitter | bitter cold |
black ice | blanket | blizzard | blowing snow | bobsledding |
boots | boxing day | brisk |
Letter C Winter Words
cabin fever | candy cane | caribou | chestnuts | chilly |
Christmas | cider | cold | cold snap | comfort |
cookies | cranberry | crisp | cross-country skiing | cuddle |
curling |
Letter D Winter Words
dog sledding | downhill skiing | drift |
Letter E Winter Words
earmuffs | eggnog | ermine | evergreen |
Letter F Winter Words
family | figure skating | fir tree | fireplace | flannel |
flurry | fort (snow) | freezing | freezing rain | frigid |
frost | frostbite | frosted | frosty | fruitcake |
fuzzy |
Letter G Winter Words
gingerbread | glacier | glistening | gloves | gray clouds |
gusty |
Letter H Winter Words
hail | Hanukkah | hat | hearth | heavy snow |
hiking | hockey | holly | hoodies | hot chocolate |
Letter I Winter Words
ice climbing | ice fishing | ice scraper | ice sculptures | ice skating |
iceberg | icy | inclement weather | indoors |
Letter J Winter Words
jack frost |
Letter K Winter Words
knee-deep | knitting | Kwanzaa |
Letter L Winter Words
leg warmers | long underwear | luge |
Letter M Winter Words
mistletoe | mittens | musk ox |
Letter N Winter Words
New Year’s Eve | nippy | nor’easter |
Letter P Winter Words
parka | penguin | peppermint | pinecone | plum pudding |
poinsettia | polar bear | puffer jacket |
Letter Q Winter Words
quilted |
Letter R Winter Words
reindeer | rink (skating/hockey rink) |
Letter S Winter Words
scarf | seal | ski slopes | skiing | sledding |
sleet | snow angles | snow blower | snow fence | snow pants |
snow removal | snow shovel | snow squall | snowball fight | snowboarding |
snowdrift | snowflake | snowmobiling | snowshoeing | snowstorm |
snowsuit | snowy owl | snuggle | soft | sparkling |
sweater |
Letter T Winter Words
Three Kings Day | toasty | tobogganing |
Letter V Winter Words
vacation | Valentine’s Day | vortex |
Letter W Winter Words
walrus | warmth | whiteout | windy | Winter Olympics |
winter solstice | winter tires | wintry | wool |
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