Words that Start With the Letter L for Kids
Our list of letter L words comes with letter L activities, and tips for teaching the letter L sound and words to your child.
This comprehensive list of letter L words is designed to help preschool, kindergarten, and elementary students get familiar with the letter L sound and grow their vocabulary with a list of letter L words.
Young learners may need adults to read unknown words aloud, helping them hear the beginning letter L sound. Simply print out our list of letter L words to work on with your child, along with our letter L pictures to help your child gain an understanding of what these new words mean. You’ll find simple words, such as lot and lane, as well as more challenging words, like licorice and lagoon.
Pick and choose the words you feel are appropriate for your child, and remember that this list can be used to familiarize your child with the sound of the letter L, as a vocabulary list, or as a spelling list.
We’ve also included a definition of each word and used it in a short sentence, which can further aid your child in learning each word’s meaning. We’re also sharing letter L activities for children to help enhance their learning, as well as tips for parents on how to teach letter L words to their children.
Lists of Letter L Words
Select the words that you think are suitable for your child. Keep in mind that these lists of words can be used to help familiarize your child with the sound of the letter L, act as a list for vocabulary building, or be used for spelling practice. Younger children will likely need you to read the list to them.
3-Letter L Words
☐ lab: a place for scientific experiments and research. “They visited the science lab at school.”
☐ lad: a young boy or man. “The young lad helped his grandmother.”
☐ lag: to fall behind. “The tired puppy began to lag behind the other dogs on the walk.”
☐ lap: the flat area between the waist and knees of a seated person. “The cat curled up in her lap.”
☐ led: past tense of lead, to go in front or to guide. “He led the students down the hall.”
☐ leg: a limb on which an animal or person walks and stands. “She broke her leg during the game.”
☐ let: to allow or permit. “Let me try to solve the puzzle.”
☐ lid: a cover for a container. “He lifted the lid of the pot to check the soup.”
☐ lip: the edge of the mouth in humans and other animals. “She applied lipstick to her lips.”
☐ lit: past tense of light, to make something start burning. “He lit the candle in the dark room.”
☐ log: part of the trunk or branch of a tree that has fallen or been cut off. “They sat on a log by the fire.”
☐ lop: to quickly cut off part of something. “She had to lop the dead branches off the tree.”
☐ lot: a large amount of things or people. “They bought a lot of groceries for the week.”
☐ low: not high or tall. “The frisbee flew low to the ground.”
☐ lug: to carry or drag something heavy with great effort. “She had to lug her suitcase up the stairs.”
Simple Preschool Letter L Words
☐ lane: a narrow road or path. “They walked down the lane to get to the house.”
☐ last: to continue for a specified period of time. “The battery will last for hours.”
☐ late: doing something after the expected time. “He arrived late to the party.”
☐ lawn: a field of cultivated and mowed grass. “They played tag on the lawn.”
☐ lead: to guide or direct in a course. “She will lead the meeting today.”
☐ leak: to accidentally let a substance flow from a container. “The bottle had a leak, and water dripped out.”
☐ lean: to incline or bend from a vertical position. “He had to lean against the wall for support.”
☐ leap: to jump or spring a long way. “The frog can leap across the pond.”
☐ leave: to go away from a place. “It’s time to leave the pool.”
☐ less: a smaller amount of something. “We need to spend less money.”
☐ lick: to pass the tongue over something, usually to taste or moisten it. “Hurry and lick the melting ice cream from your cone!”
☐ life: the existence of something living. “He celebrated every moment of his life.”
☐ lift: to move to a higher position. “She helped lift the box onto the shelf.”
☐ like: to find something enjoyable or agreeable. “She likes chicken and rice.”
☐ little: small in size, amount, or degree. “There is little milk left.”
☐ live: to remain alive, or to make one’s home in a certain place. “They live in a small town.”
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Kindergarten Letter L Words
☐ label: a small piece of material attached to an object that gives information about it. “Read the label on the jar to find its ingredients.”
☐ labor: to work hard; make great effort. “They labored from dawn to dusk.”
☐ lack: to be without or deficient in. “He lacks confidence.”
☐ link: a connection between things. “Let’s link the chains together.”
☐ list: a series of names or other items written or printed together. “She made a list of her favorite books.”
☐ loft: a room directly under the roof of a house that’s often not enclosed. “They converted the loft into a bedroom.”
☐ long: measuring a great distance from end to end. “She drew a long line in the sand.”
☐ look: to direct your eyes in order to see. “Look at the beautiful sunset!”
☐ loud: producing a lot of noise. “The music was too loud at the concert.”
☐ love: a great interest in something or a deep affection for someone. “He has a love for music.”
☐ lungs: the organs within the rib cage used for breathing air. “Her lungs felt tired after so much running.”
☐ lush: growing in abundance. “The garden is lush with flowers and greenery.”
☐ lute: a stringed instrument with a large pear-shaped body with a neck and a fretted fingerboard. “He learned to play the lute in music class.”
☐ lying: to be in a horizontal or resting position on a supporting surface. “The books are lying on the table.”
☐ lyre: an ancient stringed instrument that resembles a small harp. “The ancient Greeks played the lyre.”
☐ lyric: the words of a song. “She wrote the lyrics to the song.”
Elementary Letter L Words
☐ laser: a device that generates an intense beam of light. “They used a laser to cut the material.”
☐ layer: a sheet, quantity, or thickness of material. “She added another layer of blankets to her bed to stay warm.”
☐ legal: permitted by law. “In some states, it’s not legal to ride bikes on the sidewalk.”
☐ library: a building or room containing collections of books for people to borrow and read. “She spends a lot of time at the library.”
☐ license: a permit from an authority to own something or do a particular thing. “He just got his driver’s license.”
☐ limbo: an uncertain period while waiting for a decision. “The project is in limbo until the company decides what to do.”
☐ limerick: a humorous five-line poem with a set rhythm and rhyme scheme. “He wrote a limerick for the school contest.”
☐ limit: a boundary for something that should not be passed. “There is a speed limit on this road.”
☐ limp: to walk with difficulty, typically because of an injury. “He began to limp after twisting his ankle.”
☐ lunar: relating to the moon. “They studied lunar phases in science class.”
Letter L Food Words
☐ lasagna: a dish made of stacked layers of pasta, sauce, and other ingredients such as meat, vegetables, and cheese. “Lasagna is a favorite at family gatherings.”
☐ leek: a vegetable that belongs to the onion family. “She added chopped leek to the soup for extra flavor.”
☐ legume: a plant in the pea family that produces pods with seeds that are used as food. “Beans and peas are types of legumes.”
☐ lemon: a bright yellow, sour citrus fruit. “She squeezed a lemon to make lemonade.”
☐ lemonade: a drink made from lemon juice, water, and sugar. “They sold fresh lemonade at the stand.”
☐ lentil: a small, round, edible seed that comes in many colors and is used in various dishes around the world. “Lentil soup is both nutritious and filling.”
☐ lettuce: a leafy green vegetable, commonly used in salads and sandwiches. “He washed the lettuce for the salad.”
☐ licorice: a sweet, chewy, aromatic black or red candy. “Licorice is a popular type of candy.”
☐ lime: a green, round citrus fruit. “He added a slice of lime to his water.”
☐ linguine: a type of pasta that is long and flat. “She cooked linguine with clam sauce.”
☐ loaf: bread that is shaped and baked in one piece and can be sliced. “She baked a fresh loaf of bread this morning.”
☐ lollipop: a sweet candy that is attached to the end of a plastic stick. “The child enjoyed a cherry lollipop.”
☐ liver: a large organ in the body that cleans the blood and helps with digestion. “My doctor said the liver is like a cleaning machine for the body.”
☐ lychee: a small round fruit with pink bumpy skin and sweet white flesh. “Lychee is often used in tropical fruit salads.”
Letter L Animal Words
☐ ladybug: a small beetle with a distinctive red and black spotted shell. “A ladybug landed on her hand.”
☐ lamb: a young sheep often found on farms. “The lamb walked down the lane to the meadow.”
☐ lamprey: a jawless fish with a funnel-like sucking mouth, which it uses to attach itself to other fish. “The lamprey looks a bit like an eel.”
☐ langur: a type of leaf-eating monkey native to Asia, with a slender body and long tail. “Langurs are often seen in the treetops.”
☐ lark: a small bird known for its lovely singing. “The lark sang at dawn.”
☐ lemming: a small rodent typically found near the Arctic. “Lemmings are known to follow each other.”
☐ lemur: a small primate with large eyes and a long tail, native to Madagascar. “Lemurs are known for their playful nature.”
☐ leopard: a wild cat with a yellowish-brown coat and black spots, known for its strength and stealth. “The leopard is excellent at climbing trees.”
☐ lion: a large wild cat with a mane that lives in Africa and parts of Asia. “The lion roared loudly in the safari park.”
☐ lizard: a reptile with a long body and tail, moving with a crawling or scampering motion. “The lizard basked in the sun on a rock.”
☐ llama: a South American mammal with a long neck and long dense hair, often used to help carry things. “The llama carried supplies for the campers on its back during the hike.”
☐ lobster: a large marine crustacean with a strong body and claws, highly prized as seafood. “They caught a lobster during their fishing trip.”
☐ locust: a type of grasshopper that forms large swarms and can travel great distances. “A swarm of locusts can destroy crops quickly.”
☐ loon: a water bird famous for its unique sound and striking red eyes. “The sound of the loon on the lake delighted everyone.”
☐ lynx: a wild cat characterized by its short tail, long whiskers, and tufts of black hair on the tips of its ears. “A lynx was spotted in the forest.”
Letter L Object Words
☐ ladder: a piece of equipment consisting of a series of bars or steps between two upright lengths of wood, metal, or rope, used for climbing up or down something. “He climbed the ladder to reach the roof.”
☐ lamp: a device that generates light. “She turned on the lamp to read her book.”
☐ lantern: a portable lamp with a glass or plastic case protecting the flame or electric bulb. “The lantern helped light up the campsite.”
☐ latch: a type of fastener that is used to hold something closed. “She secured the gate with a latch.”
☐ lens: a piece of glass or plastic with curved sides for concentrating or dispersing light rays. “He cleaned the lens of his camera before taking photos.”
☐ light: something that illuminates an area. “Turn on the light so we can see.”
☐ locket: a small ornamental case, typically worn on a necklace, that holds a photograph or other keepsake. “She kept a photo of her grandmother in a locket.”
☐ luggage: suitcases or other bags used to pack personal belongings for traveling. “They packed their luggage the night before their trip.”
Letter L Places Words
☐ landfill: where garbage is buried in the ground. “Recycling more can reduce the size of landfills.”
☐ Las Vegas: a large city in Nevada known for its entertainment. “The city of Las Vegas is filled with bright and colorful lights and signs.”
☐ Latvia: a country in Northern Europe. “Latvia has a long coast and many beaches.”
☐ Lebanon: a country in the Middle East next to the Mediterranean Sea. “Lebanon is one of the most densely populated countries in the Mediterranean area.”
☐ lighthouse: a tower with a powerful light that is built near the shore to guide sailors at night. “We saw an old lighthouse on an island in the lake.”
☐ Liverpool: a city in northwestern England.”Liverpool was known for shipping goods around the world by boat.”
☐ lodge: a small, often rustic, home or cabin. “The simple lodge in the woods had a cozy fireplace.”
☐ London: the capital of the United Kingdom. “London is among the oldest big cities in the world.”
☐ Los Angeles: a large city in southern California on the Pacific Ocean. “Many movies and television shows are made in Los Angeles.”
Letter L Nature and Environment Words
☐ lagoon: a shallow body of water separated from a larger sea by barrier islands or reefs. “They explored the lagoon by kayak.”
☐ lake: a large body of water surrounded by land. “They went swimming in the lake.”
☐ land: the solid part of the Earth’s surface. “They bought a piece of land to build their house.”
☐ landscape: the visible features of a section of land. “The landscape had a lot of flowers and trees.”
☐ lava: molten rock that shoots from a volcano during an eruption. “The lava cooled to form new rock formations.”
☐ leaf: the green part of a plant that grows from the stem or branches. “The leaf fell from the tree in autumn.”
☐ lightning: a giant spark of electricity between the clouds, air, or ground during a thunderstorm. “The lightning lit up the entire sky.”
☐ lily: a type of flowering plant with large, prominent flowers. “The pond was full of water lilies.”
☐ lotus: a type of aquatic plant known for its large and beautiful flowers. “The lotus flowers opened up in the morning sun.”
Letter L Emotions and Traits Words
☐ lavish: rich, elaborate, or luxurious. “The lavish party impressed all the guests.”
☐ lazy: unwilling to work or use energy. “He was too lazy to do his homework.”
☐ lethargic: slow and tired. “I felt lethargic after the long walk.”
☐ liberate: to free from something. “The story ended happily when the hero managed to liberate the animals from the locked cage.”
☐ light-hearted: cheerful and carefree. “The light-hearted music lifted everyone’s spirits.”
☐ lively: full of life and energy; active and outgoing. “The party became more lively after the music started.”
☐ logical: clear reasoning that makes sense. “Her logical approach to the problem helped solve it quickly.”
☐ lonely: sad because one is missing friends. “He felt lonely after moving to the new city.”
☐ lucid: expressed clearly; easy to understand. “He gave a lucid explanation of the complex concept.”
☐ lucky: having, bringing, or resulting from good luck. “She was lucky to win the lottery.”
☐ loving: feeling or showing love or great care. “Her loving nature made her a favorite among her friends.”
☐ loyal: showing constant support for a person or group. “She remained loyal to her team, even in tough times.”
Letter L Action Words
☐ laugh: to make sounds with the voice, usually while smiling, that show you think something is funny. “The joke made everyone laugh.”
☐ learn: to acquire knowledge of or skill in something by study, experience, or being taught. “She loves to learn new languages.”
☐ listen: to give one’s attention to a sound. “Listen carefully to the instructions.”
☐ load: to put a large amount of something into a vehicle or container. “They load the truck with groceries every morning.”
☐ locate: to find the position or place of something. “Can you locate your country on the map?”
☐ lock: to fasten something with a key. “Remember to lock the door when you leave.”
☐ loom: to appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening. “When it’s about to storm, clouds loom over the village.”
☐ loop: a curved or circular shape in something long. “She made a loop in the string to hang it up”
☐ lure: to tempt a person or an animal to do something. “They used cheese to lure the mouse out of their home.”
☐ lurk: to hide while waiting to do something. “The lion lurked around the lagoon.”
Free Printable Letter L Words Lists
Download and print our PDFs of the letter L word lists to review with your children. One list includes all of our letter L words and the other lists features our letter L words along with their definitions and the words used in a simple sentence.
Letter L Words with Pictures
Preschoolers and kindergarteners will appreciate having illustrations to look at while learning new letter L words. As you read the words aloud to them, draw their attention to the letter L sound as you pronounce the word. Point at the corresponding picture as you say the letter L word. You can choose from our printable letter L words with pictures to color or letter L words with illustrations.
Letter L Activities
Tips for Teaching Letter L Words
- Tongue Placement
Practice saying the letter L in front of a mirror, pointing out how the tip of the tongue touches the top of the mouth right behind the front teeth when making the L sound.
- Focus on the Sound First
For young children, work on mastering the sound the letter L makes before spending too much time on the letter L words. Help your child practice making the letter sound, then move on to the simpler words in the letter L list.
- Use a Variety of Teaching Approaches
Introducing a new letter sound in a variety of ways can help children better understand and get familiar with it. Combine our list of letter L words with the letter L song, worksheets, and activities to approach this new letter sound in many different ways.
Additional Resources
ABCmouse has educational resources for children aged 2-8, as well as resources to help parents and teachers.
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Expert Tips for Teaching Letter Sounds
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