Words That Start with the Letter N for Kids
Find a list of letter N words, letter N activities, and tips for teaching the letter N sound and words to your child.
Our list of letter N words for preschool, kindergarten, and elementary students aims to help children get familiar with the letter N sound and expand their vocabulary with a list of letter N words.
Young learners may not be able to read many of these words on their own. Adults can read unknown words aloud to their children, helping them hear the beginning letter N sound. Simply print out our list of letter N words to work on with your child, along with our letter N pictures to help your child gain an understanding of what these new words mean.
Pick and choose the words you feel are appropriate for your child, and remember that this list can be used to familiarize your child with the sound of the letter N, as a vocabulary list, or as a spelling list.
Older children can practice reading the lists of letter N words and their definitions on their own or with an adult. Each word is also used in a sentence to help children understand the word’s meaning. Our lists include words that may act as review for your child, as well as words that will challenge them.
You can further enhance your child’s learning with our list of letter N activities for children and find tips on teaching new words and sounds to your child at the bottom of this page.
Lists of Letter N Words
Select the words that you think are suitable for your child. Keep in mind that these lists of words can be used to help familiarize your child with the sound of the letter N, act as a list for vocabulary building, or be used for spelling practice. Younger children will likely need you to read the list to them.
3-Letter N Words
☐ nab: to capture or seize suddenly. “The police are working to nab the thief.”
☐ nag: to annoy by constant scolding or urging. “He felt like the teacher wanted to nag him to do his homework.”
☐ nap: a short sleep. “She took a 1-hour nap in the afternoon.”
☐ net: a device made of fibers woven in a grid-like structure that’s used to catch things. “He caught the fish with a net.”
☐ new: not existing or used before. “She was excited to ride her new bike.”
☐ nil: zero, especially in sports scores. “The game ended with the score at nil-nil.”
☐ nip: to pinch or bite sharply. “The puppy would sometimes nip in its excitement to play.”
☐ nix: to cancel or forbid something. He may nix the party if he isn’t feeling well.”
☐ nod: to move your head up and down as a way of agreeing. “She nodded her head to say yes.”
☐ nor: used to indicate a quality that something did not have. “The playground was neither big nor crowded.”
☐ now: at the present time or moment. “We need to leave now.”
☐ nut: a hard-shelled fruit of some plants. “He enjoyed eating nuts, especially walnuts and pecans.”
Simple Preschool Letter N Words
☐ nail: a hard upper surface on the end of fingers and toes, or a small metal spike used to join things together. “He hammered the nail into the wall.”
☐ name: what someone or something is called. “Her name is Lily.”
☐ navy: a dark blue color, or the part of a country’s military that fights at sea. “His favorite shirt is navy blue.”
☐ near: close in distance. “The park is near her house.”
☐ neat: tidy and in order; not messy. “She kept her room very neat.”
☐ neon: bright and very colorful. “The sign was made with neon colors so it would be easy to see.”
☐ nest: a structure built by birds to lay their eggs in. “The bird built a nest in the tree.”
☐ never: at no time in the past or future. “I have never seen that movie.”
☐ next: coming immediately after. “She is next in line.”
☐ nice: pleasant or pleasing. “He is very nice to his friends.”
☐ night: the time of day when it is dark and most people sleep. “They went to bed at night.”
☐ nine: the number after eight. “He has nine toy cars.”
☐ no: used to express denial, disagreement, or refusal. “She said no to more dessert.”
☐ noise: loud or unexpected sounds. “The noise from the train was very loud.”
☐ nose: the part of the face that is used for smelling and breathing. “She touched her nose with her finger.”
☐ not: used to make a negative. “He is not going.”
☐ note: a short written message. “She left a note for the teacher.”
☐ nothing: not anything. “There is nothing left to say.”
☐ none: not any. “None of the cookies were left.”
☐ numb: when a part of the body loses feeling. “His fingers were numb from the cold.”
☐ nurse: a person who takes care of sick or injured people. “The nurse helped him feel better.”
Kindergarten Letter N Words
☐ napkin: a piece of cloth or paper used at meals to wipe the mouth and hands. “She used a napkin to clean her face.”
☐ narrow: not wide. “The narrow path led through the woods.”
☐ nature: the physical world including all living things, the land, and the water. “They went on a hike to enjoy the sights and sounds of nature.”
☐ neighbor: someone who lives near or next to someone else. “She waved hello to her neighbor who lives across the street.”
☐ nickel: a type of small coin or a metal element. “He found a nickel on the ground.”
☐ niece: a daughter of one’s sibling. “My sister’s name is Erin. Erin’s daughter is Elysse. Elysse is my niece.”
☐ nightgown: a loose dress worn to bed. “She put on her nightgown before bedtime.”
☐ nifty: particularly good or stylish. “He thought his new shoes were nifty.”
☐ ninja: a person skilled in ninjutsu, often shown as having stealth and agility. “The ninja moved silently through the night.”
☐ noisy: making a lot of noise. “The noisy room made it hard to hear.”
☐ normal: usual, typical, or expected. “It was a normal school day.”
☐ north: one of the four main directions on a compass or map; opposite of south. “They traveled north to find cooler weather.”
☐ novel: a longer story written about imaginary characters and events. “She read a novel about ninjas.”
Elementary Letter N Words
☐ narrate: to give a spoken or written account of something. “He learned to narrate stories with expression.”
☐ native: associated with the place or circumstances of a person’s birth. “He spoke his native language at home.”
☐ nebula: a cloud of gas and dust in outer space. “They studied the Crab Nebula in astronomy class.”
☐ necessary: required to be done; needed. “My dad says it’s necessary to wear a helmet when biking.”
☐ neglect: to fail to care for properly. “It’s important not to neglect your pets.”
☐ nephew: a son of one’s brother or sister. “My brother’s name is James. His son is named Mark. Mark is my nephew.”
☐ network: a group or system of interconnected people or things. “She relied on her network of friends for help.”
☐ neutral: not supporting or helping either side in a conflict or disagreement. “The discussion remained neutral and focused on facts.”
☐ neutron: a particle found in the nucleus of an atom, with no electric charge. “They learned about neutrons in science class.”
☐ niche: a hollowed-out space, or an activity that seems just right for someone. “He finally found his niche in photography.”
☐ nickname: a name that’s based on a trait or event and is given to a person or thing in addition to their real name. “His nickname was ‘Speedy’ because he ran so fast.”
☐ nightfall: the time in the evening when it becomes dark. “They finished their hike just before nightfall.”
☐ nominate: to propose or formally enter as a candidate for election or for an honor or award. “The teacher decided to nominate her student for the award.”
☐ novice: a person new to or inexperienced with something. “He was a novice at chess, but eager to learn.”
Letter N Food Words
☐ naan: a type of flatbread from Indian cuisine. “He enjoyed naan with his curry.”
☐ nachos: a dish of tortilla chips topped with melted cheese and often additional savory toppings. “They shared a plate of nachos during the game.”
☐ nashi: a type of pear also known as Asian pear. “She packed a nashi pear for her lunch.”
☐ nectarine: a smooth-skinned peach. “They enjoyed fresh nectarines during summer.”
☐ noodle: thin strips of pasta. “She slurped her noodle soup happily.”
☐ nori: a type of seaweed used especially in Japanese cooking. “She wrapped sushi in nori.”
☐ nutmeg: a spice made from the seed of a tropical tree, used in sweet and savory dishes. “He added a pinch of nutmeg to the pie filling.”
Letter N Animal Words
☐ narwhal: a small Arctic whale known for the long, straight tusk that projects from its upper jaw. “The narwhal is sometimes called the ‘unicorn of the sea.'”
☐ nautilus: a sea creature that has tentacles around its mouth and a spiral shell with a pearly interior. “The nautilus moves by expelling water from its shell.”
☐ newt: a small, brightly colored amphibian that lives both in water and on land. “The newt swam quickly under the leaf.”
☐ nightcrawler: a type of large earthworm found in the soil, often used as fishing bait. “He picked up a nightcrawler from the dirt to use for fishing.”
☐ nightingale: a small bird known for the beautiful song it sings at night. “The nightingale’s song filled the evening air.”
☐ nilgai: a large antelope native to Asia, with a blue-grey coat and long legs. “The nilgai grazed peacefully in the grasslands.”
☐ nuthatch: a small bird with a strong bill, known for its ability to climb down trees headfirst. “The nuthatch scooted along the tree trunk.”
☐ nutria: a large, aquatic rodent native to South America, also known as the coypu. “The nutria swam in the marshy wetland.”
☐ numbat: a small Australian marsupial with a banded coat and a diet of termites. “The numbat searched for termites under the bark.”
☐ nyala: a type of antelope found in southern Africa, with a slender body that’s marked with white stripes and spots. “The nyala stood gracefully among the bushes.”
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Letter N Object Words
☐ neck: the part of the body connecting the head to the rest of the body. “He wore a scarf around his neck.”
☐ necklace: a piece of jewelry worn around the neck. “She wore a beautiful pearl necklace to the party.”
☐ needle: a small, thin tool with a pointed end used for sewing. “She threaded the needle to fix the tear in her coat.”
☐ nerve: part of the body that carries electrical impulses between the brain and the body. “If you touch something hot, a nerve in your finger tells your brain to move your hand.”
☐ newspaper: a publication containing news, information, and advertising. “He reads the newspaper every morning.”
☐ nightlight: a small dim light used to softly illuminate dark areas at night. “The child had a nightlight in his room.”
☐ notebook: a small book with blank or ruled pages for writing notes. “He wrote his homework assignments in his notebook.”
☐ notepad: a pad of paper for writing notes. “She kept a notepad in the kitchen to jot down grocery lists.”
☐ nozzle: a spout at the end of a pipe, hose, or tube used to control a jet of gas or liquid. “He adjusted the nozzle on the hose to spray the garden.”
☐ nutcracker: a tool designed to crack nuts open. “He used the nutcracker to open the walnuts.”
☐ nylon: a synthetic material used to make various products. “Her jacket is made of nylon.”
Letter N Places Words
☐ nail salon: a place where people go to get their nails polished and cared for. “She went to the nail salon for a manicure.”
☐ nation: a territory where the people are led by the same government. “The United States is a nation made up of 50 states.”
☐ national park: a scenic or historically important area of land protected by the government for the enjoyment of the general public or the preservation of nature. “They visited Yellowstone National Park during their vacation.”
☐ neighborhood: a district or community within a town or city. “She loves walking through her quiet neighborhood.”
☐ newsstand: a small structure where newspapers and magazines are sold. “He stopped at the newsstand to buy his favorite magazine.”
☐ Niagara Falls: a group of massive waterfalls located on the Niagara River, located between the United States and Canada. “They took a boat ride to get a closer view of Niagara Falls.”
☐ nook: a small area that can offer a feeling of safety and comfort. “He settled into a cozy nook in the corner with a good book.”
☐ nursery: a room where young babies and children sleep and play. “The youngest children stayed in the nursery.”
☐ nursing home: a place that provides a home and care for its residents, especially elderly people. “His grandmother lives in a nursing home.”
Letter N Nature and Environment Words
☐ narrows: a narrow part of a river or strait. “The river flows faster through the narrows.”
☐ nectar: a sweet liquid produced by flowers and collected by bees for making honey. “They learned how bees turn flower nectar into honey.”
☐ nestling: a young bird that has not yet learned to fly. “The nestling chirped loudly for food.”
☐ nightshade: a type of plant. “Tomatoes and potatoes are part of the nightshade family.”
☐ nimbus: a type of cloud that produces rain. “The sky was dark with heavy nimbus clouds.”
☐ nocturnal: creatures that are active during the night. “Owls are nocturnal animals.”
☐ northern lights: a natural light display in the Earth’s sky, often seen in northern regions. “They watched the northern lights color the sky.”
☐ nutrient: an important substance that helps living things grow. “Humans get nutrients from fruit and vegetables.”
Letter N Emotions and Traits
☐ naive: showing a lack of experience or judgment. “When Billy first played the game, he was naive and thought he would win easily.”
☐ nasty: unpleasant or offensive. “The garbage created a nasty smell.”
☐ nervous: feeling anxious or apprehensive. “He was nervous before the big test at school.”
☐ nimble: quick and light in movement. “The dancer was very nimble on her feet.”
☐ noble: showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles. “The knight was known for his noble deeds.”
☐ nonchalant: appearing calm and relaxed. “She seemed nonchalant about the exam results.”
☐ notable: deserving of attention. “Her achievement was notable among her peers.”
☐ nostalgia: a fond feeling of longing for the past. “Watching old movies filled her with nostalgia.”
☐ nurturing: caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something. “Her nurturing approach to gardening helped the young plants thrive.”
☐ nutty: behaving in a silly or eccentric way. “He was always a bit nutty, making everyone laugh.”
Letter N Action Words
☐ navigate: to find one’s way, especially when controlling a car or other vehicle. “She learned to navigate through the city streets.”
☐ neaten: to make neat or tidy. “He neatened up the living room before the guests arrived.”
☐ need: to require something. “She needs help with her homework.”
☐ negotiate: to try to reach an agreement through discussion. “They negotiated a better deal.”
☐ nestle: to settle or lie comfortably within something. “The cat nestled into the warm blanket.”
☐ nibble: to take small bites of food. “She nibbled on a cookie while she studied.”
☐ nominate: to formally suggest someone for a position or an honor. “She was nominated as the team captain.”
☐ normalize: to bring or return to a normal condition or state. “The parents worked to normalize saying ‘thank you’ for their children when someone helped them out.
☐ notch: to make an indentation or cut in a surface. “He notched the stick at each end.”
☐ notice: to become aware of something. “She noticed a bird singing outside her window.”
☐ nourish: to provide the food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and good condition. “He nourished the plants with water and sunlight.”
☐ nuzzle: to gently push or rub your nose or face against someone to show affection. “The puppy nuzzled her hand for more petting.”
Free Printable Letter N Words Lists
Simply download and print our PDFs of the letter N word lists to review with your children. One list includes all of our letter N words and the other lists features our letter N words along with their definitions and the words used in a simple sentence.
Letter N Words with Pictures
Preschoolers and kindergarteners will appreciate having illustrations to look at while learning new letter N words. As you read the words aloud to them, draw their attention to the letter N sound as you pronounce the word. Point at the corresponding picture as you say the letter N word. You can choose from our printable letter N words with pictures to color or letter N words with illustrations.
Letter N Activities
Tips for Teaching Letter N Words
- Incorporate Daily Activities
Integrate the letter N sound into everyday routines and conversations. Use common objects and activities as teaching moments. For instance, while preparing breakfast, you can point out the “nut” in “peanut butter” or the “napkin” on the table. Emphasizing the N sound in familiar contexts can help children make connections and reinforces learning naturally.
- Create a Sound-Rich Environment
Surround your child with opportunities to hear and practice the N sound. Read books that have N words, sing songs, and recite rhymes emphasizing the N sound. Repetition in different forms can help solidify their understanding.
- Play Letter and Sound Games
Make learning fun with games that focus on the N sound. You can play “I Spy” with N words, create matching games with pictures and words starting with N, or use alphabet cards to form words with the letter N. These games not only make learning enjoyable but also provide practice in a playful and engaging manner.
Additional Resources
ABCmouse has educational resources for children aged 2-8, as well as resources to help parents and teachers.
Kindergarten Vocabulary Words
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Free Reading Charts for Kids
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Letter Sound Activities for Young Kids
Try these interactive and educational activities that can make learning letter sounds more fun and effective.